Corpora Jul 1998 to - by subject
Starting: Wed 01 Jul 1998 - 09:33:46 MET DST
Ending: Fri 09 Oct 1998 - 08:53:49 MET DST
Messages: 234
- "word frequency list"
- (no subject)
- Announcement
- CL User Needs, back to the original question
- Corpora: "delemmatiser"?
- Corpora: (Un)subscription
- Corpora: 182 Hours Per Year is Yours!
- Corpora: A little late: Size of representative corpus
- Corpora: AiML'98: Final Call for Participation
- Corpora: Alembic Workbench Announcement
- Corpora: ANNOUNCEMENT: QTAG v2.0
- Corpora: Applications of corpora in the classroom
- Corpora: Baum-training impossible for a large corpus?
- Corpora: Catalan & English Parallel Corpora
- Corpora: CFP - Special issue of CL Journal- Finite State Methods in NLP
- Corpora: Chinese (word segmented)
- Corpora: Chinese segmentator and tagger
- Corpora: CLAWS sentence enumeration
- Corpora: COLING-ACL 98 Workshop "Discourse Relations and Discourse
- Corpora: COLING-ACL'98 Workshop on Computational Treatment of Nominals
- Corpora: Computers and the Humanities 32:2-3 : Special Issue on EuroWordNet
- Corpora: Conference on the Mental Lexicon
- Corpora: Contrastive Linguistics and Translation
- Corpora: Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies
- Corpora: corpora and software
- Corpora: Corpus Linguistics Methodologies. Was: Corpus
- Corpora: Corpus Linguistics Methodologies. Was: Corpus Linguistics User Needs
- Corpora: Corpus Linguistics User Needs
- Corpora: corpus of spoken English
- Corpora: Corpus Query Samples?
- Corpora: Correction to: Summary of Responses to "UNIQUE NLP" (and
- Corpora: Diccionario Escolar Ilustrado
- Corpora: Do you REALLY want to help corpus users?
- Corpora: Dutch lexicography
- Corpora: English Architectural Corpus
- Corpora: English corpus
- Corpora: English lemma-list
- Corpora: English, French and Portuguese business corpora
- Corpora: English-Chinese parallel corpora
- Corpora: ESSLLI Workshop: Lexical semantics in Context -- Program and
- Corpora: EUP series news
- Corpora: Evaluation: Call for papers
- Corpora: exchange data
- Corpora: Experiences with WordNet
- Corpora: First use of the term 'corpus linguistics'
- Corpora: French and English lemmatisers
- Corpora: french parser
- Corpora: frequency lists for clusters & MWU
- Corpora: FroCoS'98: Call for Participation
- Corpora: generalisation in text
- Corpora: generalisation in text / WN query repeat & summary
- Corpora: German morphology and part-of-speech tagging
- Corpora: HELP
- Corpora: House of Representatives documentation in U.S.A.
- Corpora: I am searching for the articles of the 5th conf. of EACL
- Corpora: ignorance
- Corpora: information
- Corpora: Information on learner corpora - Summary of responses
- Corpora: INTERVAL project - website
- Corpora: IREX (Japanese IR & IE contest)
- Corpora: Job - Minority Language Engineering
- Corpora: Konvens98
- Corpora: LACL98
- Corpora: Last CFP: ACM SAC'99 - Track on Coordination
- Corpora: Learner corpus development\Research projects
- Corpora: lexicography training
- Corpora: Lexicon development for MT
- Corpora: linguists and programming
- Corpora: Looking for Tibetan resources
- Corpora: Microsoft summarization feature
- Corpora: morphological analyzer
- Corpora: moscow online
- Corpora: MT Summit '99 CFP
- Corpora: MWUs and frequency
- Corpora: New Corpus
- Corpora: PALC proceedings
- Corpora: parallel Bengali/English texts
- Corpora: parsers for classical Greek / Latin
- Corpora: Parsers in Prolog
- Corpora: Patent Translator/Syntacticians needed at Ergo
- Corpora: Portuguese resources on the Web
- Corpora: Prepositions in Machine Translation
- Corpora: Proceedings and Project Info available (free!)
- Corpora: Prof. of Modern English
- Corpora: programming
- Corpora: Propose a toolkit?!
- Corpora: Qs. reg. collection of hypertext corpus
- Corpora: references for lexicon induction from parallel corpora
- Corpora: representativeness
- Corpora: Research Assistant, University of Sunderland
- Corpora: research opportunity at XRCE, Grenoble
- Corpora: RIFRA'98 call for participation
- Corpora: Russian
- Corpora: SALT and the future of ELT
- Corpora: Second Job: Research Scientist in Computational Linguistics
- Corpora: Semantic -tagged corpus
- Corpora: Send Your Own Mass E-Mail..Learn How
- Corpora: simplified English wordlists
- Corpora: Size of a representative corpus
- Corpora: Spanish Corpora
- Corpora: Special Issue CL Journal / Finite State Methods ...
- Corpora: Special Offer: EU Workshop
- Corpora: speech corpora
- Corpora: stressed words
- Corpora: Summary of Responses to "UNIQUE NLP" (and CONCLUSION)
- Corpora: Summary: English Verb Valency Question
- Corpora: Summary: simplified English wordlists
- Corpora: Summary: Size of representative corpus
- Corpora: Summary: Spanish Corpora
- Corpora: Symposium on Computer Learner Corpora
- Corpora: Synonyms dictionaries
- Corpora: TARK questionnaire
- Corpora: Teaching resources for statistical NLP
- Corpora: Technical Documents for Corpus Studies?
- Corpora: Temporary job
- Corpora: Tokenizer for English/French - lines of credit.
- Corpora: Tokenizer for French/English
- Corpora: Tools for Irish?
- Corpora: TWLT14: Language technology in multimedia information retrieval
- Corpora: TWLT14: Twente Workshop on Language Technology in Multi Media Information Retrieval
- Corpora: UHAE2808: ELX: Laurence Urdang Award
- Corpora: Unique NLP Technology?
- Corpora: Unique NLP: Address Correction
- Corpora: Unique NLP: Author Correction?
- Corpora: UPDATED conference announcement and program: AMTA-98
- Corpora: URGENT job advert
- Corpora: VMC 13 + Wsh Prosody and Meaning
- Corpora: Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English
- Corpora: workshop announcement
- Corpora: Workshop on Embedded MT Systems (Call for Papers)
- Corpora: WORKSHOP: Computationally-Intensive Methods in Quantitative
- Corpora: WORKSHOP: Computationally-Intensive Methods in Quantitative Linguistics
- Corpus Linguistics User Needs
- Fwd: Corpora: linguists and programming
- ignorance
- MWUs and frequency
- RE: Corpora: Corpus Linguistics User Needs
- RE: Corpora: english corpus
- RE: Corpora: frequency lists for clusters & MWU
- RE: Corpora: ignorance
- RE: Corpora: Learner corpus development\Research projects
- RE: Corpora: MWUs and frequency
- RE: Corpora: SALT and the future of ELT
- RE: Corpora: Size of a representative corpus
- WG: Corpora: Size of a representative corpus
Last message date: Fri 09 Oct 1998 - 08:53:49 MET DST
Archived on: Fri Oct 09 1998 - 08:53:57 MET DST
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