For the first time the European Summer School in Logic,
Language and Information to be held from August 17 - 28,
1998 in Saarbruecken, Germany, offers a special EU workshop:
"Preparation and Management of EU-Funded Projects"
Transnational R&D funded by the European Commission has
become one of the foremost sources for advanced technology
and application development in information technology.
For the participating research centers such projects offer
a unique opportunity for joint R&D in international
consortia bringing together partners from industry, academia,
contract research, and public administration.
Our workshop will provide the participants
with information, advice and guidelines for the
definition, application and management of EU-projects,
both on the administrative and technical level.
We will discuss concrete questions concerning available
funding programmes, hints for finding or building consortia,
advice on the structuring of projects, rules for handling
many types of forms, and an overview of relevant financial
A special section will be dedicated to a preview of upcoming
opportunities and challenges in the Fifth Framework Program
(first call for proposals in January 1999).
The speakers of the workshop are highly experienced
managers of EU-projects and a representative of the EU
Language Engineering Programme, Giovanni B. Varile,
DG XIII of the European Commission.
There is NO EXTRA CHARGE for this workshop once you have
registered for ESSLLI 98.
Don't miss our big ESSLLI 10th Anniversary Party on Friday,
August 21, with life music and surprises
and other social gatherings.
Hope to see you in August !
Best regards,
Hans Uszkoreit
For further information on ESSLLI 98 and the EU workshop
please check the following homepage:
or contact Sabine Klingner, ESSLLI 98 organization:
Registration is still possible until August 16, 1998.
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
& Univ. of Saarbruecken, Dept. of Computational Linguistics
D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
WWW: http://coli.uni-sb.de/~hansu/
Univ. phone + 49 (681) 302-4115 fax + 49 (681) 302-4700
DFKI phone + 49 (681) 302-5282 fax + 49 (681) 302-5338