In my experience people adapt very well to their surroundings, ie.
if there is someone around who is expert, fast and efficient on the
programming side, then they get smiled at (nods here from Oliver M
and Cyril!), otherwise people either make do with already available
options, learn what they need to learn, or, possibly, give up. I
think non-programming CLers just haven't really _needed_ to learn
Of course there is no denying that it would be wonderful to have
a system where one could feed in text in any form, have various things
done to it and have it spew out fantastic results. Is the idea behind
this discussion to clarify what people need in such a system?
Of course, it should be able to support all the things Oliver C mentioned
in his mail :)
Just my tuppenceworth,
Ann Lawson
Dr Ann Lawson Abteilung LEXIK Institut fuer deutsche Sprache
Tel: +49 621 1581 427 R5, 6-13
Fax: +49 621 1581 415 D-68161 Mannheim