RE: Corpora: Corpus Linguistics User Needs
Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:08:54 -0400

> From: Dave Moffat
> I suppose we all have to share opinions in order to shape future
> generations; we have to decide what to teach them.
> That is the purpose of this debate I guess, so it is important.

I've found the discussion of the value of linguists being programmers
interesting, but I've seen only one post (from Bill Teahan) that actually
addressed Oliver Mason's original question: what sorts of tools and
capabilities do corpus linguists generally require from their corpus
analysis tools? True, not all needs can be anticipated, but surely we can
define a core set of requirements?

Is there any interest in pursuing such a discussion in this forum?

> David Moffat


d'Armond Speers, MS
Georgetown University