Corpora: Proceedings and Project Info available (free!)

lawson (
Tue, 8 Sep 1998 14:38:57 +0100 (WET DST)

Dear All,
TELRI, the Trans-European Language Resource Infrastructure,
funded by the EU (COPERNICUS), is happy to announce that
free copies of the following are available on a first come,
first served basis to anyone interested. Please reply to and specify which (or both) you would
like. Please include a full postal address:

1) Proceedings of the TELRI Third Seminar on "Translation
Equivalence", October 1997 (271 pages)
26 contributions from international experts in the field,
heavily corpus-based/computationally oriented.

2) Final Report of the TELRI Project (122 pages) with CD-ROM
Information about the first stage of the project, reports
and documentation.

For more info on the project, please see the homepage (will
be updated soon!)

Best wishes,
The TELRI Team

Dr Ann Lawson Abteilung LEXIK Institut fuer deutsche Sprache
Tel: +49 621 1581 427 R5, 6-13
Fax: +49 621 1581 415 D-68161 Mannheim