I've created 2,3,4, and 5-word clusters based on the Brown Corpus and
placed them on:
under 'Word lists'.
I will create a similar list for the BNC as well. Please let me know if
you have trouble downloading.
Hope this helps
Tony Berber Sardinha.
Przemyslaw KASZUBSKI wrote:
> Hi,
> Another question: Are there frequency lists of English
> (lemmatised/non-lemmatised) 2-3-4-5 word clusters available anywhere,
> preferably retrieved from large balanced corpora? Or
> frequency lists of multi-word-units? Unfortunately, the BNC is not
> accessible from Poland yet ...
> I'd be grateful for any help.
> Przemek
> ==========================================
> Przemyslaw Kaszubski, M.A.
> przemka@amu.edu.pl
> http://elex.amu.edu.pl/ifa/skaszub.htm
> http://main.amu.edu.pl/~przemka
> School of English
> Adam Mickiewicz University
> Al. Niepodleglosci 4
> 61-874 Poznan, POLAND
> tel: +48 61 8528820
> fax: +48 61 8523103
> =========================================