Re: Corpora: Catalan & English Parallel Corpora

Andrew Harley (
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 13:16:24 +0100

At 12:07 PM 25/09/1998 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all
>Does anybody know of any parallel aligned corpora of English
>& Catalan? If so, how could these be accessed for research purposes?
>Many thanks in advance. I'll post a summary if I get any useful
> Elia Yuste

But we do have word processor files of a Catalan-English mini-thesaurus
(with parallel English and Catalan definitions and examples) available for
university research purposes for just £300 (plus VAT if applicable); it is
the text of a book called "Word Selector" published by CUP in 1995. Some
other languages are also available.

Andrew Harley
Systems Manager - ELT Reference
Cambridge University Press

Direct line: (01223)325880