The Vilem Mathesius Centre for
Research and Education in Semiotics and Linguistics
Presents the
Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series 13
VMC/ELSNET/MATE Workshop "Prosody and Meaning"
November 9--20, 1998
Prague, Czech Republic
The thirteenth cycle of the Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series, organized by
the Vilem Mathesius Centre for Research and Education in Semiotics and
Linguistics (Charles University), will be held in Prague, Czech Republic,
from November 9 until 20, 1998. The scientific program will consist of
the following invited courses (for preliminary time-schedule see below):
* Emmon Bach (Canada):"Problems of Universal and Parochial Grammar"
* Joan Bresnan (USA):"Optimal Syntax"
* Nicoletta Calzolari (Italy):"Corpus Based Lexicon Building"
* Bernard Comrie (Germany):
"(1) Advances in our understanding of relative clauses.
(2) Form and function in reference-tracking systems.
(3) Agreement in Tsez (NE Caucasian): a typological assessment."
* Edward L. Keenan (USA): "Language Invariants \& the Role of Morphology
in Grammar"
* Christian Lehmann (Germany): "Typology of Possession"
* Hans-Heinrich Lieb (Germany): "Words and Word Paradigms"
* Mitch Marcus (USA): <tba>
* Karen Sparck-Jones (England):"Information Retrieval and Language Processing"
* Hans Uszkoreit (Germany):"Modelling of Linguistic Performance"
* Bonnie Webber (USA):
"(1) Approaching Discourse through Lexicalized Grammar.
(2) Natural Language Generation in Health Care."
Among the Czech lecturers invited to VMC 13 are Frantisek Cermak, Miroslav
Cervenka, Jan Firbas, Jan Hajic, Eva Hajicova, Jarmila Panevova,
Jaroslav Peregrin, and Petr Sgall.
VMC/ELSNET/MATE Workshop on "Prosody and Meaning"
In connection with VMC 13, there will be a special workshop Prosody
and Meaning (organized in cooperation with ELSNET and MATE consortium) on
Friday November 13th and Saturday November 14, for which several prominent
researchers in the domain of speech and language/speech have promised to
participate. There is no special fee to be paid by the participants of VMC
Lecture Series 13 for the participation at the workshop. There is a nominal
fee of USD 60 for people wishing to participate in the workshop only.
The fee covers accommodation (incl. breakfast) for three nights (in
double rooms, shared occupancy, in the same hotel where the workshop takes
place) and lunches for the 2 working days.
Tentative time-schedule (may be subject to change):
WEEK 1 (Monday 9.11 - Firday 13.11)
9.30 - 11.00 11.30 - 13.00 14.30 - 16.00 16.30 - 18.00
9.11. Bresnan Keenan Bach Calzolari
10.11. Bresnan Keenan Bach
11.11. Bresnan Keenan Calzolari
12.11. x x Bach Calzolari
VMC/ELSNET/MATE Workshop "Prosody and Meaning" -
Friday November 13 and Saturday November 14.
WEEK 2 (Monday 16.11 - Friday 20.11)
16.11. Marcus Uszkoreit Comrie Sparck-Jones
17.11. Marcus Uszkoreit Comrie Sparck-Jones
18.11. Webber Uszkoreit Lehmann Sparck-Jones
19.11. Webber Marcus Lehmann Comrie
20.11. Webber Lehmann Lieb Lieb
The participation fee for VMC 13 is USD 350, which includes tuition
fee, accommodation, and lunches. In order to ensure accommodation,
(paying) participants should register before *SEPTEMBER 15, 1998*.
The participation fee for the VMC/ELSNET/MATE Workshop is USD 60, for
those not registered for the Lecture Series. The fee covers accommodation
(incl. breakfast) for three nights (in double rooms, shared occupancy, in
the same hotel where the workshop takes place) and lunches for the 2
working days.
There is financial support available for students from Germany, via the
Goethe Institut and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
Studenten sollen sich an die R. Bosch-Stiftung wenden,
Promovierte an die DFG (s. unten), anfhrend, daá sie eine
internationale Begegnung von Studenten aus etwa 15 L„ndern
West-, Mittel- und Osteuropas mit guter Tradition besuchen
wollen, die an eine Tagung des Vilem-Mathesius-Zentrums der
Karlsuniversit„t anknpft, und daá sie diese Adresse von Dr.
Michael de la Fontaine, Goethe-Institut Prag, bekommen
haben. Ihre Reise, Aufenthalt von zwei Wochen im Hotel
Krystal und ein per-diem, das neben anderem das Mittags- und
Abendessen versichern kann, soll ihnen bezahlt werden.
Robert Bosch-Stiftung
c/o Dr. Peter Theiner
Leiter des Programms fr Internationale Verst„ndigung
Heidehofstr. 31
70184 Stuttgart
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Organisationsplan der Gesch„ftsstelle
Kennedyallee 40
53170 Bonn
Please contact Mrs. Brdickova or Prof. Hajicova at the following address
for registration or further information.
Mrs. Libuse Brdickova
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
Malostranske nam. 25
CZ-11800 Praha 1
Czech Republic
(phone) ++420-2-2191-4278
(fax) ++420-2-2191-4309
Check our website at