Corpora: 182 Hours Per Year is Yours!
Sun, 9 Aug 1998 09:44:02 +0200


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me be brief and to the point. I am here to help you better your life.
Through the strategic application of Biblical concepts and Scripture, you
and your family will benefit immensely. Please understand, my motives
are not to preach to you, nor to lecture you. My motive is simply to inspire
you to be the very best that God would have you to be. Are you living in
the fullness of God's Word and Promises today? Probably not. Would you
like to live in the fullness of God's Word and Promises today? Probably so.
If such a victorious lifestyle appeals to you, by all means, read on. On the
other hand, if it doesn't, email me a simple note with the word REMOVE
in the subject line; REMOVE must be added. You won't hear from me again.

Okay! Now that all the unmotivated types are gone; let's continue with YOUR
personal self-improvement, using God's Word as the plumb line.

We would all agree that we would like to have more time to get things done.
We also know that each of us has only 24 hours in a day. With that in mind,
here is what I challenge you to do. Starting tomorrow, set your alarm to go off
30 minutes earlier than usual. Your first response, if indeed appropriate to put
into print, would no doubt be a frown or an outright ARGH! Okay now that
the shock is over, catch your breath and sit down a second. Let's do the math
on this proposal, for YOUR self-improvement, together.

30 minutes a day times 365 days per year equals 182.5 hours per year! Let's
round the number down to 182 and see what benefits we receive from such
an idea.

With an extra 182 hours per year you could:

1. Read the Bible from front to back two to four times.

2. Draw closer to God in prayer than you have ever been before.

3. Get to know your spouse or loved ones in a way that has heretofore been
a near impossibility.

4. Start the exercise program that has been tied down with your procrastination.

5. Simply sit and think with a pencil and paper nearby, writing down your plans
and ideas for the future.

6. Read the material of your choice, although I would recommend AGAINST
the newspaper being your first choice. By reading quality material you could have
the equivalent of a doctorate (or two...or three) in your chosen subjects within
a few short years.

7. Get to work a half hour earlier to enjoy some uninterrupted productivity.

These are seven of my favorites. You may well find others that you like as well or
better. One thing is for sure, if you don't set your alarm back, NONE of them will
ever become YOUR reality. What does the Bible say about time management?
Here is a scripture for your consideration:

Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Want some more Biblical motivation? Does the "common sense" of the Bible
make good sense to you? If so, you can receive 26 issues a year of the Word of
Truth Newsletter emailed to you biweekly. How? Visit us at
to find out more. The investment to you? $12 per year. The benefit to you? You be
the judge. But let me ask you: how much is the 182 hours that you just found worth?
I would venture to say that it's worth far more than $12. If you truly can't afford the $12,
we will give you a free subscription. However, your financial help is appreciated.

Visit us at, and let's work together with God's Word to improve
YOUR life!

Thank you for your time.

Rev. Thomas R. Mitchell