Corpora: workshop announcement

Wolfgang Heydrich (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 06:16:34 -0400

Could you please publish in CORPORA the following workshop announcement.
Thank you very much,
Wolfgang Heydrich & Hannes Rieser

Workshop Announcement:

Wolfgang Heydrich, Hannes Rieser and Peter K"uhnlein (cooperation):
Workshop on Mutual Knowledge, Common Ground and Public Information
to be held at ESSLLI X (August 24-28, 1998)

List of invited speakers and titles:

Anton Benz, Institut f"ur Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie der Universit"at
Perspectives and the Referential Use of Definites in Dialogue

Egor Bugaenko, Ukraine:
Interactive Database Principle

Maria Fasli, University of Essex, Department of Computer Science:
Common Knowledge, Self-reference and the Surprise Examination

Jelle Gerbrandy, ILLC:
Public Announcements and Common Knowledge

Bart Geurts, Institut f"ur semantische Informationsverarbeitung:
Bridging, binding, and accommodation

Satinder P. Gill, Dialogue Understanding Group Information Science
Research Laboratory:
Body Language: the unspoken dialogue of bodies in Rhythm

Jonathan Ginzburg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
Shifting Sharing and Access to Facts about Utterances

Wolfram Hinzen, Institute for Computational Linguistics (IMS), University
of Stuttgart:
Communicative Attitudes, Iterated Attitudes, and Attitude Change

Marcus Plach, Fraunhofer-Institut for Nondestructive Testing, and
Margret Wintermantel, Department of Psychology, Saarland University:
Establishing and Updating Common Ground in Interactive System

Massimo Poesio, University of Edinburgh, Centre of Cognitive Science:
Cross-speaker Anaphora and Dialogue Acts

Robert van Rooy, ILLC:
Presupposition as a Propositional Attitude

Karl-Heinrich Schmidt, Universit"at GH Essen:
Common Perception

David R. Traum, UNIACS University of Maryland, and
Pierre Dillenbourg, Universite de Geneve:
Towards a Normative Model of Grounding in Collaboration

Pat Healey, ATR International Media Integration and Communication Research
Laboratories, and
Carl Vogel, O'Reilly Institute Computational Linguistics Trinity College:
Minimal Mutual Models

Pascal Salembier and Moustapha Zouinar, ARAMIIHS-IRIT:
A model of Shared Context for the analysis of cooperative work

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
Introduction | Geurts | Bugaenko | Fasli | Traum
Ginzberg | Rooy | Salembier/ | Gerbrandy | Poesio
| | Zouinar | |
Healey/ | Hinzen | Plach/ | Benz | Final
Vogel | | Wintermantel | |
Gill | Discussion | Schmidt | Discussion | Discussion
| | | |

More detailed information and a link to the ESSLLI-Homepage can be found
at the website