just a few bits of news that may be of interest. Firstly, we have
the pleasure to announce that Geoffrey Pullum has joined the editorial board
of the EUP textbooks in empirical linguistics series. We are delighted to
have Geoffrey on-board and hope that he will add a distinctive flavour to
our offerings. Secondly, the second edition of "Corpus Linguistics" is in
preparation, and should be out sometime towards the middle of next year.
Many thanks to all of you who made constructive suggestions for the second
edition. Thirdly, we have made one or two up dates to the EUP website,
including a response to a recent review. For those of you interested see:
http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/andrew/data.htm and start clicking!
Finally, a survey project has begun, shared between Lancaster (Tony
McEnery, Mark Sebba & Paul Baker) and Oxford (Lou Burnard) with a wide range
of input from UK academics and industrials, looking at the possibility of
building corpora of non-indigenous minority languages. There is little doubt
that we will be canvassing the opinions of the wider corpus/language
engineering community shortly. In the meantime, if you have an interest in
this topic, or if you have some work in this area you would like to bring
to the attention of the project team, please do feel free to email me to
tell me about it!
Best Wishes,