Corpora: UHAE2808: ELX: Laurence Urdang Award

Uli Heid (uli@IMS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE)
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:48:06 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear member,

please find enclosed some information concerning the 1998 Laurence
Urdang Award.

Yours sincerely,

Annette Endres
on behalf of Dr. Ulrich Heid

1998 LAURENCE URDANG AWARD (Formerly: Verbatim Award)


Applications are invited for the Laurence Urdang Award (formerly
Verbatim-Award), administered by Euralex, for the purpose of
supporting unpaid lexicographical work of any type, including study.
An individual award may vary in size from 250.-- GBP to 1,500.-- GBP.
In 1998, exceptionally, an overall amount of 3,000.-- GBP is available.

The key dates are:
October 30, 1998 Receipt of applications
December 1998 Notification of results
January 1998 Representation of Award(s)

Applications should take the form of:
- A letter specifying the amount applied for;
- A statement giving full details of the purpose to which the
funds would be put, and an indication of expected tangible
results (e.g. publications);
- A curriculum vitae including qualifications, details of previous
lexicographical or related work, and publications;
- One professional or academic reference;
- Details of funding received or applied for in relation to the
project for which the Laurence Urdang Award is being sought.

Four copies of the entire application should be sent to:

1998 Laurence Urdang Award --
Euralex Assistant Secretary-Treasurer,
Ulrich Heid,
Universitaet Stuttgart,
Institut fuer maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung -- Computerlinguistik,
Azenbergstrasse 12,
D-70174 Stuttgart,
Fax: +49-711-121-1366,
Telephone: +49-711-121-1373.

Applications may also (or additionally) be sent by electronic mail or
fax. If no acknowledgement of email or fax is received within 5
working days, candidates are asked to contact the Euralex Assistant
Secretary-Treasurer at the above address.

The Award is open to Euralex members only, but applications will be
accepted from people who have applied for Euralex membership and are
awaiting confirmation of this. If you want to join Euralex, please
write (with a copy to the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer) to:

Ms. Heather Vigar-Horsley,
Euralex Membership Secretary,
Oxford University Press,
Journals Subscription Department,
Great Clarendon Street,
Oxford OX2 6DP, UK.
Fax: +44-1865-267485.

The Selection Panel consists of the Euralex President, O.
Norling-Christensen, and the two immediate past presidents H. Bejoint
and F.E. Knowles.

Euralex is an international organization of world-wide affiliation for
promoting scholarly and professional activities related to
Lexicography, i.e. the science and art of dictionary-making. Besides
organizing its own Biennial Congresses and periodic Workshops on
themes and topics central to its Members' interest, Euralex also acts
as a major clearing house for information on publications and
conferences relevant to lexicography, disseminating this information
through various channels, including the Euralex Newsletter and WWW
site. In addition, Euralex acts as an academic sponsor of the
quarterly International Journal of Lexicography (IJL) and several
research projects. For membership, which includes a personal
subscription to the IJL, please contact Ms. Heather Vigar at the above

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