The easiest way to do this is to change the bibliography style at the
end of the document.
For example I use
which gives the ordering of forename, name etc as you want. There are
others you can use too such as Harvard, Oxford, etc. Look up
\bibliographystyle on Google.
Christopher Brewster
Natural Language Processing Group,
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
Tel: +44(0)114-22.21967 Fax: +44 (0)114-22.21810
Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of chen wenliang
> Sent: 24 August 2004 09:00
> To:
> Subject: [Corpora-List] Questions about ACM latex template.
> Dear Collegues,
> I need your help!
> I want to submit a paper to a conference which is sponsored
> by ACM. I account a problem.
> I have downloaded the templates(latex version and word
> version) from ACM
> site: . But
> I find the references are different between these two templates.
> For Examples.
> In Word: [1] Bowman, B., Debray, S. K., and Peterson, L. L.
> Reasoning about naming systems. ACM Trans. Program. Lang.
> Syst., 15, 5 (Nov. 1993), 795-825.
> In latex: [1] B. Bowman, S. K. Debray, and L. L. Peterson.
> Reasoning about naming systems. ACM Trans. Program. Lang.
> Syst., 15, 5 (Nov. 1993), 795-825.
> They are different authors one is "Bowman, B.", the other is
> "B. Bowman".
> How can I generate the reference as Word's reference using latex.
> Thanks for your help.
> regards,
> Chen Wenliang
> Nlplab, Northeastern University, China.
> 2004-08-24
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