chen wenliang wrote:
> Dear Collegues,
> I need your help!
> I want to submit a paper to a conference which is sponsored by ACM. I account a problem.
> I have downloaded the templates(latex version and word version) from ACM site: .
> But I find the references are different between these two templates.
> For Examples.
> In Word: [1] Bowman, B., Debray, S. K., and Peterson, L. L. Reasoning about naming systems. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 15, 5 (Nov. 1993), 795-825.
> In latex: [1] B. Bowman, S. K. Debray, and L. L. Peterson. Reasoning about naming systems. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 15, 5 (Nov. 1993), 795-825.
> They are different authors one is "Bowman, B.", the other is "B. Bowman".
> How can I generate the reference as Word's reference using latex.กกกก
LaTeX uses a langauage called BST to define bibliography formats. If you
make a local copy (in the same directory as the LaTeX files) of
abbrv.bst (the BST format used by the ACM) and edit it you can change
this (and many other things).
If you look in the "format.names" function in that file, there is a line
with a constant like "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}", representing the four parts
of the name (forename, von part, last name and junior part
respectively). It looks like you need to change this to:
"{vv~}{ll,}{f.~}{, jj}" or similar
I hope this helps.
-- Stuart Yeates OSS Watch Oxford Text Archive Humbul Humanities Hub
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