ICAME1 , which currently distributes the LOB and Brown corpora, has agreed to distribute the orthographic, prosodic, and tagged versions of the SEC. Any person or institution wishing to use the corpus for non-commercial research may obtain a copy through ICAME at cost. An agreement form limiting the use of the corpus is to be signed by anyone wanting corpus material (see below).


This letter sets out the conditions imposed on the use of the Spoken English Corpus (hereinafter referred to as the Corpus) jointly generated by the Department of Linguistics and Modem English Language, University of Lancaster and IBM UK Scientific Centre, Winchester and supplied by International Computer Archive of Modem English (ICAME).

In retum for the provision by ICAME of a copy of the Corpus you agree as follows:

1. that you will use the Corpus only for your own non-commerciai research purposes.

2. that you will not supply the Corpus or any part thereof to any third party without the prior written permission of ICAME.

3. that you will not copy the Corpus or any part thereof except for reasonable back-up purposes consistent with the use permitted herein.

4. that in any research paper published by you containing results or other information derived from the use of the Corpus, you will include ar. appropriate acknowledgement to the Department of Linguistics and Modem English Language, University of Lancaster and IBM UK Scientific Centre.

lf you accept the above conditions, please sign and return one copy of this letter when ICAME will be pleased to supply you with a copy of the Corpus.



As ICAME does not have suitable facilities for copying audio tapes, the tape version of the corpus will be available from the Speech Research Group, IBM UK Ltd, UK Science Centre, Athelstan House, St Clement St, Winchester, Hampshire S023 9DR.

1The International computer Archive of Modern English. The Norwgian Computing Centre fot the Humanities, P.O. Box 53, N-5014, Bergen University, Norway.