Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to be hosting AAACL-6 and ICAME-26 together at the University of Michigan from May 12-15, 2005. We hope that many of you will be able to attend.
Please find the Call for Papers attached; we have also pasted it into this message (below) in case you have any problems opening the document. We apologize in advance for any duplicate messages if you are on multiple lists.
You can also find more details about the conference on our web site:
< <>>
If you have any questions, please email the conference organizers at: <>
We look forward to seeing many of you in Ann Arbor in May.
Anne Curzan
Rita Simpson
Richard W. Bailey
John Swales
Conference Organizers
May 12-15, 2005
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Call for Papers
The 26th annual conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English and the 6th annual conference of the American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics will be held jointly in Ann Arbor, Michigan from May 12-15, 2004. The purpose of the conference is to bring together individuals in North America and elsewhere doing research in a variety of areas of corpus linguistics, with an aim toward fostering a synergy among the participants and sub-fields normally represented at these two annual meetings.
The program will include sessions of 20-minute papers, a poster session, and a discussion panel, as well as three invited plenary talks, by Charles Fillmore, Merja Kytö and Jonathan Culpepper, and John Sinclair.
Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars are invited to submit abstracts for 20-minute papers or for posters. The theme for this year's conference is "Real Language, Real People," and we invite papers that focus on the insights that corpus-based studies of real language data provide for linguistic theory, for our understanding of the structure and history of English, and for ESL/ESP teaching and testing. We are also interested in work that refines the systematicity of corpus-based studies, that relates corporist and discoursal approaches, that questions what constitutes a "corpus" and/or "real language," and that addresses the problems of knowing "real speakers" in corpus studies.
Appropriate topics for presentations include (but are not limited to):
* diachronic and synchronic analyses of spoken or written corpora
* the use of corpora in language learning and teaching
* register/genre variation
* corpus annotation, tagging, parsing
* lexicography
* corpus analysis tools, software development
Submission guidelines
Individual Papers are 20 minutes long with an additional 10 minutes for discussion.
Posters are for one-on-one discussion of works in progress, or other research especially suited to visual presentation of data (in charts, graphs, or tables). A block of time will be designated when presenters are available to discuss their posters. Upon acceptance, presenters will receive guidelines for their posters. There will be a prize given for the best student poster.
All abstracts will undergo anonymous review. In order to limit the number of parallel sessions, there will be a limited number of slots for papers. We encourage participants to consider posters for submissions of works in progress.
Abstracts should be 200-300 words, plus references, and can be submitted as e-mail attachments, electronic submissions from the conference website, or in hard copy through regular mail (see addresses below). Please specify at the top of the abstract if you would like it considered as a 20-minute paper or as a poster.
If sending the abstract as an attachment or in hard copy, please include only a title but no author information on the abstract page; on a separate page, include author name, contact information, institutional affiliation, and paper title. Please send abstracts as PDF files if they contain any specialized fonts.
Deadline for abstract submission: December 15, 2004
Email address for abstract submission:
Mailing address for hard copy submission:
AAACL/ICAME Conference
English Language Institute
University of Michigan
3138 TCF Building
401 East Liberty St., Suite 350
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2298
Conference website:
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