Dear all,
I am looking for literature dealing with the design and compilation of
special purpose corpora, more specifically, corpora with a
terminographical purpose. The references I already have are:
Pearson, J. (1998): Terms in Context; Meyer, I. y Mackintosh, K.
(1996a): "The Corpus from a Terminographer's Viewpoint", Ahmad, K. y
Rogers, M. (2001): "Corpus Linguistics and Terminology Extraction",
Bowker, L. (1996): "Towards a Corpus-Based Approach to Terminography";
Bowker, L. y Pearson, J. (2002): Working with Specialized Language. A
practical guide to using corpora, Londres y Nueva York: Routledge
Thank you very much in advance
Chelo Vargas
Universidad de Alicante
Dpto. Filología Inglesa
Apdo. 99
03080 Alicante
Tlf. 96590 9579
Fax 96590 3800
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