J-C Khalifa wrote:
> Sorry if this is an FAQ for corpora specialists, which I am not, but
> could someone tell me, or direct me to sources where I could find the
> relative frequency in standard (i.e. non-specialized) corpora of the
> English verbs COME and GO?
Dear J-C Khalifa,
You can find the word frequencies from the British National
Corpus in http://www.itri.bton.ac.uk/~Adam.Kilgarriff/bnc-readme.html
Gregor Erbach
Dr. Gregor Erbach http://purl.org/net/gregor/
DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Lab http://www.dfki.de/lt/
Tel. +49 (681) 302-5354 mailto:erbach@dfki.de
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