Preliminary call for Papers
(Workshop at the GLDV-Jahrestagung 2005)
30 March - 01 April 2005
Universität Bonn
Deadline: 02 November 2004
Human-computer communication requires a model of turn taking, i.e. the
machine has to be able to switch between the speaker- and the
hearer-mode. The hearer-mode maps language signs into a
representation of their content. The speaker-mode maps content into a
corresponding signs of a language of choice.
This workshop invites original work on all aspects of turn taking, for
example, relating automatic word form recognition to word form
production, relating syntactic-semantic parsing to semantic-syntactic
parsing, analyzing the inferences needed for interpretation and
production, defining the data structure for storing content, or
designing the control structure for relating language interpretation
and production. In addition to papers on grammar and software systems
modeling turn taking, empirical investigations on dialogue systems
will be considered.
Workshop chair:
Roland Hausser, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Anonymous extended abstracts in PDF describing original work related
to the workshop focus should be submitted electronically to
The length of the extended abstracts should should not exceed 500
words, excluding the bibliography.
Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee of the general
conference and will be published in the proceedings of the conference.
A style file will be provided prior to the dead line for accepted
papers, which is 15 January 2005.
Important dates
Paper submissions: 02 November 2004
Notification of acceptance: 12 December 2004
Camera-ready copies due: 15 January 2005
Workshop date: tba (parallel to the conference)
Conference dates: 30 March - 01 April 2005
Registration fees of the GLDV05:
before 31.1.2005
after 1.2.2005
GLDV-members 80 EUR 100 EUR
non-members 130 EUR 150 EUR
GLDV student members free* 30 EUR
non-member students 60 EUR 75 EUR
*) student membership in the GLDV is 15 EUR per annum.
For further information about the GLDV see
Workshop languages: English and German
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