***The abstract submission deadline has been extended to June 8.***
OTM 2004 Federated Conferences - Call For Papers
"On the Move -OTM- to Meaningful Internet Systems and Ubiquitous
Computing" 2004 consisting of:
- International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA'04)
- International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of
Semantics (ODBASE'04) http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/odbase/2004
- International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'04)
Larnaca, Cyprus
October 25-29, 2004
BRIEF OVERVIEW: The current and future software needs are towards the
development of large and complex Intelligent Networked Information
Systems, covering a wide range of issues (such as Data and Web
Semantics, Distributed Objects, Web Services, Databases, Workflow,
Cooperation, Interoperability, Mobility) as required for the
deployment of Internet- and Intranet-based systems in organizations
and for e-business. This federated event is unique at providing an
opportunity for researchers and practitioners to understand the recent
developments in ubiquitous computing. It co-locates three related and
complementary successful conferences (DOA = infrastructure, ODBASE =
meaning of data, CoopIS = application in organizations). Each of these
conferences covers different aspects: theory (i.e. underlying
theoretical solutions), conceptual (e.g. technical and conceptual
solutions) and applications (e.g. case studies and industrial solutions).
SCOPE. All three conferences are about the distributed and ubiquity
aspects of modern computing systems, and the resulting
application-pull created by the Internet and the so-called "Semantic
Web". For DOA'04, the primary emphasis is on the distributed object
infrastructure; for ODBASE'04, it is on the knowledge bases and
methods required for enabling semantical use; and for CoopIS'04, it is
on the interaction of such technology and methods within an
organization or network of organizations. As they must, these subject
areas overlap and, in fact, the organizers specifically welcome
submissions in any of the areas that also emphasize the envisaged
impact on or from relevant issues in the others. To stimulate this
"cross-pollination", a common program of representative keynote
speakers, a joint tutorial program, and a common Industry Track that
runs parallel with the entire event are being assembled.
SUBMISSION. Instructions are available at:
AREAS OF INTEREST. Broad areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Enabling Technologies
* Middleware
* Distributed Objects and Applications
* Internet Computing
* Web Services
* Design, Tools, and Methodologies
* Ontologies
* XML Databases
* Web Semantics
* Semantic Tools
* Cooperative Information Systems
* Interoperation
* Workflow Systems
* Enterprise Technologies
* Agent Technologies
-->* Abstract Submission Deadline: June 8, 2004 <--
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 2004
* Acceptance Notification: July 31, 2004
* Final Version Due: August 20, 2004
* Conference: October 25-29, 2004
FEDERATED EVENT CO-CHAIRS (fedconf@cs.rmit.edu.au)
Robert Meersman, VU Brussels, Belgium
Zahir Tari, RMIT University, Australia
DOA'04 PROGRAM CHAIRS (doa2004@cs.rmit.edu.au):
Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Steve Vinoski, IONA Technologies, USA
Werner Vogels, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
OBBASE'04 PROGRAM CHAIRS (odbase2004@cs.rmit.edu.au)
Tiziana Catarci, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
CoopIS'04 PROGRAM CHAIRS (coopis2004@cs.rmit.edu.au):
Wil van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Christoph Bussler, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Avigdor Gal, Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
PUBLICITY CHAIR (bright@cse.ogi.edu):
Laura Bright, Oregon Graduate Institute, Oregon, USA
LOCAL ORGANISING CHAIR (skevo@cs.ucy.ac.cy):
Skevos Evripidou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
PUBLICATION CHAIR (kwonlai@cs.rmit.edu.au)
Kwong Yuen Lai, RMIT University, Australia
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