You may be interested in :
Malrieu D. 2002a. Stylistique et statistique textuelle. À partir d'un article de C. Muller sur les
pronoms de personnes. Actes JADT 2002.
Which you can find at
Sorry, it is in french.
Serge Heiden,,
ENS-LSH/CNRS - ICAR UMR5191, Institut de Linguistique Française
15, parvis René Descartes 69342 Lyon BP7000 Cedex, tél. +33 4 37 37 63 12, fax. +33 4 37 37 62 65
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Wynne" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 4:31 PM
Subject: [Corpora-List] Stylistics and corpus linguistics
| Dear All,
| I have a query about work done on the interface of stylistics and corpus
| linguistics, and would be grateful if anyone could provide any thoughts or
| pointers to work in this area.
| What I am thinking of is principally linguistic studies of literature which
| make use of corpora or corpus linguistics techniques.
| Examples of this would be:
| - studies which have compared a given feature in a literary text with its
| usage in a reference corpus, possibly to identify and/or quantify deviation
| from non-literary norms;
| - adding annotation of linguistic categories in electronic literary texts;
| - construction of corpora of literary texts.
| I am arbitrarily excluding:
| - stylometry and authorship studies
| - literary concordances (which don't do any more than that)
| - linguistic studies of a literary text which happen to have used an
| electronic text or computational techniques, but not a corpus or anything
| normally understood as a corpus linguistic technique.
| Thanks for any pointers.
| __
| Martin Wynne
| Head of the Oxford Text Archive and
| AHDS Literature, Languages and Linguistics
| Oxford University Computing Services
| 13 Banbury Road
| Oxford
| UK - OX2 6NN
| Tel: +44 1865 283299
| Fax: +44 1865 273275
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