A parser for Free

Satoshi Sekine (sekine@NONKI.CS.NYU.EDU)
Wed, 17 Jul 96 16:15:56 EDT

APPLE PIE PARSER (Announcement)

Satoshi SEKINE (NYU)

We are pleased to announce the public release of Apple Pie Parser.
The parser is a bottom-up probabilistic chart parser which finds
the best scoring tree by a best-first search algorithm.
Its English grammar in the distribution is a semi-context sensitive
grammar with two non-terminals which was automatically extracted
from the Penn Tree Bank, the syntactically tagged corpus made at
the University of Pennsylvania.

The framework of the parser was presented at International Workshop
on Parsing Technologies 1995 at Prague. (This papaer is included in
the distribution)

You can get it by ftp or through WWW.

-------- By ftp -----------------
> ftp cs.nyu.edu
Connected to cs.nyu.edu.
220 cs FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Thu May 26 18:01:31 EDT 1994) ready.
Name (cs.nyu.edu:sekine): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd pub/local/sekine
ftp> binary
ftp> get APP5.7.tar.gz

--- Through WWW -------------