Fra Museum Documentation Association (MDA) i England har vi fått en oversikt over publikasjoner knyttet til it-arbeid i museer og samlinger De mest sentrale synes å være:


Anglo-American cataloguing rules, Michael Gorman & Paul W. Winkler (ed.). Second edition, 1988 revision. An essential updating of the 1978 edition of AACRII. Remains the definitive bibliographic cataloguing rules. London: Library Association, 1988. xxv, 667 p. ISBN 0 85365 598 7 (Paperback version). £19.

Archives and museum data models and dictionaries, (Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, 10.) David Bearman. Essential reading for anyone involved in designing or planning new automated museum documentation systems. Based on the author's extensive experience and on an analysis of existing sources, including the MDA and CHIN standards. Acts as an introduction to these sources and as a guide to the benefits and technical aspects of data modelling. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1990. 100p. £26.

Art and Architecture thesaurus, Toni Petersen. One of the greatest museum documentation initiatives of the 1980s was this Getty Art History Information Program project to develop a comprehensive vocabulary for art and architecture. Currently includes 47,000 terms in 23 separate hierarchies or thesauri. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990. 1087p. ISBN 0 19 506403 8. £205.

Capitalization of data in the Paris system, Canadian Heritage Information Network. A practical standards guide to the use of capital letters in museum records. Although primarily addressed at CHIN users, of general interest to all documentation specialists. Includes English and French versions. Ottawa: CHIN, 1989. 15+19 p. No ISBN. £2.

1990 Directory of software for archives and museums (Archives and Museums Informatics Technical Report, 12.), compiled by Lynn Cox and David Bearman. Second edition, greatly expanded, of a comprehensive directory of archive and museum software packages, with a preamble discussion. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1990, 196p. £26.

Evaluating computer cataloguing systems. A guide for film archivists, Roger Smith for the FIAF Cataloguing Commission. Although aimed at film archivists, of equal interest to specialists concerned with the automation of general museum collections. Includes two main sections: a description of computer technology and a guide to questions to direct at system suppliers. Brussels: Federation Internationale des Archives du Film, 1989. 35 p. No ISBN. £18.

IMAGE '9. The international meeting on museums and art galleries image databases (Proceedings of the first IMAGE meeting in London, May 1989, on all aspects of the use of image databases in museums. London: IMAGE, 1990. 114p. ISBN 0 9516 306 0 1. £43.

SN/G: Report on data processing projects in art, Laura Conti, Deborah Wilde, Umberto Parrini and Marilyn Schmitt (editors). Successor to the Census report, reports on results of a survey commissioned by Getty AHIP and Scuola Normale Superiore on art history computerisation. Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore, 1958. Two vols, xiii, 645p. and 111p. No ISBN. Price to be confirmed.

Terminology for museums (proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Museum Documentation Association, Cambridge, England, September 1988). Includes a wide diversity of reports about terminology initiatives and plans from an international, national, institutional and subject-based perspective. Source list and extensive bibliography. Cambridge: MDA, 1990. xiv, 625p. ISBN 0 905963 62 8. £50.

Facts and artefacts: how to document a museum collection. At last, an understandable guide to documentation practice, including a basic description of the procedures to be followed by a museum. The guidelines conform to the MGC's Registration requirements. Of interest to volunteers, honorary curators, general curators and specialists. Available April 1991. ISBN 0 905963 79 2. £5.95.

The MDA DATA Standard. Substantially revised and extended, this new edition of the MDA Data Standard includes details of the fields used within systems such as the MDA cards and MODES. Now incorporates a detailed Data Dictionary with guidance on the use of each field, terminology sources, etc. An essential authority when designing a new system. Available March 1991. ISBN 0 905963 74 1. £45.

WHO is using WHAT software for documentation WHERE. A publication to help museums choose software for their documentation needs by putting them in contact with UK museum suppliers and users. Available March/April 1991. ISBN 0 905963 78 4. £5.95.


Publikasjonene kan bestilles ved hendvendelse til: MDA Book Service, 347 Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge CB1 4DH, England. Tlf: + x 223 242848. Fax: + x 233 213575.


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