Financial agreement number: 26030-CP-3-98-1-NO-ETN
2.2 Description of activities
Aims and objectives
The network is aimed at the promotion of effective coordinated mechanisms
in the future of European undergraduate and graduate curricula in the humanities
by integrating advanced computing. This is placed in a context of reflection
on humanities in the digital age, by means of a thorough analysis of the
use of new technologies an the identification of opportunities, problems,
and good practice with respect to the integration of advanced computing.
More specific objectives are the following:
Humanities education: needs for change
to analyze the extent to which humanities scholars need advanced computing
methods for working with language, literature, history, logic, art, music,
to research how humanities students can better be prepared for the professional
world where our languages and cultures will increasingly be manipulated
by information technology;
to research how institutions are addressing the teaching of new skills
in advanced computing in their traditional humanities disciplines;
Humanities education: innovation in curricula
to facilitate the strengthening of advanced computing content in Humanities
programmes through European collaboration;
to identify learning modules for cross-disciplinary humanities programmes
with a broad agreement on advanced computing content, means of delivery
and learning, and potential uses;
to identify learning modules strengthening specialized computing in individual
humanities disciplines;
Humanities education: new processes for learning
to facilitate student mobility and the availability of teaching competence
in advanced computing;
to increase the accessibility of computational resources for humanities
scholarship (e.g. language data, text repositories, historical databases,
digitized art collections);
to collaborate with ODL projects in order to promote the integration of
accessible humanities resources in distance learning modules.
The first year has been an initialization effort concentrating on
organizing the network and awareness raising among our partners as well
as within a larger circle of institutions with common interests.
The second year has been a consolidation phase, aiming at broadening
the base of active participation and placing the aims in a European context.
These objectives were achieved by organizing a large international conference.
The third year has been an extension phase, aiming at an extended
and updated investigation on the situation of computing in the humanities,
and the formulation of final recommendations. These aims were addressed
by means of a survey, a major publication and additional dissemination
Organizational approach and structure
The organization of the network project has remained constant since the
second project year. A modular structure with vertical and horizontal working
groups had been adopted. The vertical working groups are strongly linked
to one or more traditional humanities disciplines and consist of the following:
The horizontal working groups take broader, humanities-wide perspectives
and consist of the following:
The modular organization in working groups was instrumental in dividing
up responsibilities with respect to the activities of the third project
year. At the same time, there were also fruitful interactions between the
working groups.
Pedagogical and didactic approaches
The starting point for our pedagogical and didactic approach is that the
humanities need an approach to new technologies which is critically different
from that in other areas of study. This fits in a wider perspective based
on the recognition that new technologies are having a different
on different scientific disciplines. The resulting desirability
of diversification by discipline-specific methodology implies, in the case
of the humanities, that the standard commercial tools for word processing
and image handling are totally insufficient for learning and teaching at
university level. In dealing with language and culture, humanities scholars
need refined computing tools which are able to process sound and meaning,
words and images, logic and art.
The project's pedagogical and dicactic aims have been approached by
means of the following points of attention:
Investigating to what extent future humanities curricula need to offer
hybrid skills to students, either by integrating advanced computing courses
in established study programmes or by creating interdisciplinary programmes.
Promoting joint development of curricula innovation which include advanced
computing approaches and exploring the creation of international degrees
in new interdisciplinary fields.
Investigating to what extent humanities, as providers of language, literature
and culture content for the new digital media, are playing an increasingly
important role in today's and tomorrow's digital culture.
Stimulating the cooperation between providers of humanities computing resources
(e.g. text and art collections), educators and researchers in text and
picture encoding, in a context of European cooperation.
Disseminate best practice in the use of computing in teaching methods in
the humanities.
In order to study these points and reach a large audience, the following
approach was followed by a coordinated effort of all working groups:
A major publication in book form was written which takes into account
all the above points of attention. This publication is addressed at a wide
audience consisting of:
university staff working with academic development
teaching staff developing and updating courses
national and international planners working with university reform
project leaders, academic staff involved in curriculum innovation and ODL
organizations with strong humanities content (libraries, museums, archives)
electronic media publishers and educational software developers
The book has the following title and chapters:
Computing in Humanities Education: A European perspective
European studies in formal methods in the humanities
European studies in textual scholarship and humanities computing
European studies in computational linguistics
European studies in computing for non-European languages
European studies in computers and history of art, architecture and design
Each chapter presents the following with respect to its area:
an analysis of the European education landscape, with indicators of change;
a report on curriculum activities, including international initiatives,
and the identification of core curriculum components;
an indication of new teaching methods, including ODL, indicators of best
practice and a discussion of tools, resources and standards;
a study on opportunities and difficulties in the field, including the relation
with actors in society, technical developments and standards, needs for
teacher training and other actions;
a discussion of current projects, proposals and ongoing testing;
a list of recommendations for future action.
In addition to work on the book, and partly with a view to supplying material
for the book, the working group on computational linguistics has also taken
the following approaches:
A survey was undertaken which addressed some of the above points with respect
to CL education. The survey was carried out using a web-based questionnaire,
and the results were published on the web (
An evaluation was undertaken of three projects under the ELSNET
LE Training Showcase, aimed at testing new technologies in CL education.
The evaluation report was published on the web .
Priorities of the SOCRATES action addressed
In the publication, the project has explicitly addressed the following
objectives of the SOCRATES action:
The quality of cooperation in several EC cooperation projects has been
Ongoing activities and plans in curriculum innovation, including European
curricula, have been presented and discussed.
The application of best practice in new teaching methods has been discussed
and promoted.
The way was paved for joint course and programme development by means of
specifications and criteria.
The dialogue between academic and socio-economic partners was improved.
Open and distance learning
All working groups identified distance learning modules as an important
instrument for joint course and programme development crossing national
boundaries. Web-based course delivery is rapidly becoming a feasible and
practical alternative to other ODL media. It was also established that
the various humanities disciplines require specialized multimedia presentation
modules for the rendition of linguistic structures, special graphics, sound
manipulation, and other multimedia. More intelligent tools, specialized
towards use in humanities disciplines, are necessary in the future.
The publication includes sections on open and distance learning in nearly
all chapters.
The working group on Computational linguistics
and language engineering has engaged in a cooperation with ELSNET
for the evaluation of test modules for the web-based teaching of computational
An evaluation report was published on the web.
The working group on Computational linguistics
and language engineering has included questions on ODL in its
on CL education.
Internet technology has been used in all actions of the project. Although
the project opted for face-to-face meetings of its Steering Committee and
working groups, a considerable amount of information was exchanged by means
of Internet technology. The project web site
was and still is the primary source of information on the project and contains
an extensive record of meetings, reports, papers, surveys, conferences
and publications.
In the cooperation for writing chapter drafts, the exchange of HTML
documents via the Internet has been indispensable.
The working group on Computational linguistics
and language engineering used web-based questionnaires in its survey
on CL education. and used the web to publish the results.
An external evaluation was prepared in the second year and completed in
the third year. It was carried out by European
Economic Development Consultants Ltd (EEDS). The evaluation was carried
out by questionnaire among the partners and a meeting with representatives
of the Steering Committee and the working groups.
The evaluation report was made available on the web (
The results were quite positive and did not have implications for important
readjustments in the current projects, although they provide suggestions
for the organization of follow-up projects.
The results of third year are being published in the form of a book. One
thousand copies will be distributed to partner institutions and other organizations
including international networks and educational institutions reached through
Additional dissemination was achieved through the presentation of the
network at the following externally organized events (for dates, see part
A qualitative description of the outcomes of the project
Judging from the evaluation report by EEDS,
the project has demonstrated that it has succeeded in establishing a much
needed forum for discussing the future of the humanities. The project has
already had an impact on the field after the first two years of the project.
At the same time, the novelty of the theme and the formidable size of the
challenges indicates that a conversion of the current project into a long-term
networking effort will be needed.
Computing in Humanities Education: A European perspective
(volume in print, to be sent later; the final draft can be seen at
Survey on CL education: Results
LE Training Showcase, NLP projects: Evaluation Report
An evaluation of the Advanced Computing in
the Humanities project
Minutes of meetings and short reports on minor events are available from
the project website.