ICAMET, in DOS code set (8 bit ASCII) ‘ ALT 145 = l.c. ash ’ ALT 146 = u.c. ash ś ALT 156 = sign for English pound ¤ ALT 164 = n with superscript tilde ¨ ALT 168 = l.c. yogh (makeshift, looks like inverted question mark, but is changed to the proper yogh sign by Hickey`s/our keyboard driver "icamet") ż ALT 191 = u.c. yogh (makeshift) (horizontal plus vertical line, like an abstracted yogh) â ALT 226 = u.c. eth (makeshift) (vertical plus horizontal stroke) č ALT 232 = l.c. thorn (makeshift) (zero with vertical stroke) é ALT 233 = u.c. thorn (makeshift, like phonetic th) ë ALT 235 = l.c. eth (makeshift), looks like a Greek delta. |b{THE_ABBEY_OF_THE_HOLY_GHOST.} |b{RELIGIOUS_PIECES_IN_PROSE_AND_VERSE.} |b{ed._from_Thornton_MS._Lincoln_Cathedral_Library} |b{by_George_G._Perry} |b{EETS_OS_26_(1867,_1914)}_{pp._51-62.} |p51 |rIII._THE_ABBEY_OF_THE_HOLY_GHOST. |r[Robert_Thornton's_MS.,_Lincoln_Cathedral_Library,_leaf_271a] RELIGIO SANCTI SPIRITUS. RELIGIO MUNDA. |r[f.271a] |r OFF the abbaye of saynte Spirite, that es in a place that es callede conscyence. A, dere brethir and systirs! I see čat many walde be in religyon, bot čay may noghte, owthir for pouerte, or for drede of thaire kyn, or for band of Maryage; and for-thi I make |r4 here a buke of če religeon of če herte, čat es, of če abbaye of the Holy Goste, that all tho čat ne may noghte be bodyly in religyon, čat čay may be gostely. A, Ihesu, Mercy! whare may čis abbay beste be funded, and čis religione? Now certis |r8 nowhare so wele als in a place čat es called `conscyence'; and who so will be besy to funde čis holy religion, and čat may ilke gud crystyn man and woman do, čat will be besy čer_abowte. And at če begynnynge it es by-houely čat če place |r12 of thi conscience be clensed clene of syn; to če whilke clensynge če Haly Goste sall sende two maydyns čat ere conande: the one es callede `rightwysnes,' and če točer is called `luffe of clennes.' Thiese two sall cast fro če conscience and fro če |r16 herte, all maner of fylthe of foule thoghtes and desyris. When če place of če conscience es wele clensed, than sall če grownde be mad lange and depe; and thies two maydenes sall be made, če one es callede `Mekenes,' čat sall make če grownde depe |r20 thorowe lowlynes of hir selfe, the točer es callede `Pouerte,' čat makis it large & wyde abowne, čat castis ouer ylke a halfe če erthe owte, čat es to say, alle erthely lustes & worldely thoghtes ferre fro če herte, čat, if čay hase erthely gudis, with |r24 luffe čay for-gete čaym for če tym, & castis no lufe to čam, nor hase noghte, ne settis noghte for čat tyme čaire hertes no thynge one čam. And thies ere called `pure in spyrite,' of wham God spekes in če gospelle, & sayse čat `thaires es če |p52