Re: [Corpora-List] corpus of Welsh English???

From: Armin Schmidt (
Date: Tue Mar 13 2007 - 12:54:51 MET

  • Next message: "[Corpora-List] Cfp: SKY Journal of Linguistics"

    Hi Jessica,

    Jones & Eisele (2006) report on a system for statistical machine
    translation between English and Welsh. Their corpus is collected from
    the online version of the Record of Proceedings of the Plenary
    Meetings of the National Assembly for Wales. I'm sure they will provide
    you with the corpus if you write to one of them directly. Here's the
    respective paper:

    Good luck,
    Armin schrieb:
    > Dear all,
    > I am writing my dissertation right now and I am looking for several
    > corpora. However, I can't find any corpus of Welsh English. Has anyone
    > ever heard of any such corpus?
    > Thanks a lot,
    > Best regards,
    > Jessica Degroote


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