Re: [Corpora-List] Search Wordsmith by tag passive voice

From: Jer M (
Date: Thu Mar 01 2007 - 18:51:10 MET

  • Next message: Mark Davies: "RE: [Corpora-List] Frequencies of words in English given a certain domain"


    Using the BNC interface enter [vb*] [v?n] and this will give
    you a frequency list.

    I know its not wordsmith but there it is

    Jeremiah McGhee

    On 3/1/07, Georg Marko <> wrote:
    > Dear Linda,
    > I just tried a search (on a different corpus, but also one with the same
    > tag set, even though the tags are attached to the ending rather than to the
    > beginning of words). Anyway the following should work:
    > <w VBD>* <w VVN> I put * after the first tag to mean any form of BE
    > <w VB*
    > This should include all forms of *be *(I think VBD just refers to the past
    > tense and does not occur on its own just as VBDZ for *was*, and VBDR for *
    > were*)
    > <w VVN>*
    > This should include any word classified as a past participle.
    > So the search string *<w VB* <w VVN>* *should work, maybe also <w VB* and
    > <w VVN>* as context word (with horizon 0/2), because this would also cover
    > passives with an adverb intervening between the auxiliary and the participle
    > (e.g. *was really adopted*).
    > I may have made a mistake here myself...
    > Best regards
    > Georg
    > "I drew a treasure map on your hand"
    > Ani diFranco

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