Re: [Corpora-List] Microsoft patents verb conjugations

From: Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2006 - 11:10:12 MET DST

  • Next message: amelie Josselin: "[Corpora-List] Workshop "Textual Genre" at U. Toulouse le Mirail"

    There is a lot of software doing this already. At the moment I recall a
    bunch of Lingua:: Perl modules, jspell (a PT morphologicla analyzer) and
    I am sure there are a lot more.

    I wonder what comes next...


    John F. Sowa wrote:
    > If anybody has been deriving the infinitive of a verb
    > from a finite form, you may be violating a recent patent
    > application by Microsoft. (However, I suspect that there
    > may be prior art that had been published earlier.)
    > Following is the title, abstract, and URL.
    > John Sowa
    > _________________________________________________________
    > Source:
    > United States Patent Application 20060195313
    > Voetberg; Eric J.; et al. August 31, 2006
    > Method and system for selecting and conjugating a verb
    > Abstract
    > A verb conjugating system allows a user to input a form of a verb and
    > display the verb forms. The verb conjugating system allows the user to
    > input the infinitive form or non-infinitive forms of a verb. When a user
    > inputs a non-infinitive form of a verb, the verb conjugating system
    > identifies a corresponding base form of the verb. The verb conjugating
    > system then uses the base form to retrieve and display the verb forms
    > for the verb. The verb conjugating system may highlight the
    > non-infinitive form of the verb within the displayed verb forms to
    > assist the user in locating the verb form of interest.

    Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
                      Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

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