Apologies for multiple postings
4th October 2004 - Jeju Island, Korea
In conjunction with ICSLP 2004
Please visit the COCOSDA Web site to register on-line:
The Workshop Programme will focus on:
1) Quick reports on what is going on in the geographic
areas (North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Latin America,
2) The mission of Cocosda and its organization.
3) The Language Resources Roadmaps, in partnership with the
Committee for Written Language Resources and Evaluation, as
came out from the Lisbon workshop.
The International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardization
of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques (COCOSDA), has
been established to encourage and promote international interaction
and cooperation in the foundation areas of Spoken Language Processing.
COCOSDA is an international organization for coordinating the globalized
efforts in Language resource developments and speech technology evaluation.
COCOSDA is organized with a structure which reflects the two dimensions
of its functionalities: "Topic Domains" and "Regional Programs".
The former considers the dynamic technology environments, while the latter
addresses the regional efforts and differences.
Four topic domains have been established:
- Evaluation of Speech Understanding/Dialogue Systems,
- Multi-Modal Corpora,
- Corpus Annotation Tools,
- Local Languages.
Six regional programs are currently present:
- North America,
- Europe,
- Asia,
- Oceania,
- Latin America,
- Africa.
If you would like to contribute, please send a short proposal to:
Khalid Choukri
COCOSDA convenor
choukri@elda.fr & info@elda.fr
More information about COCOSDA can be found at: www.cocosda.org
For information about Interspeech-ICSLP 2004 conference, please visit the
conference web site at: www.icslp2004.org/
55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris FRANCE
Tel: (+33) 1 43 13 33 33 / Fax: (+33) 1 43 13 33 30
URL: http://www.elra.info or http://www.elda.fr
LREC 2004 conference: www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2004/
LangTech forum: http://www.lang-tech.org
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