Hi - sorry if this isn't exactly corpora-specific, but, I've a few questions
that I think members of this list might be able to help me with.
1. I'm looking for any articles/information on the application of
'grammar-analysis' to determine text-type/genre/style/register/other [delete
as appropriate!]
2. Are there any machine-readable lexicons/databases that contain
information like:
o - Indication of writer's/reader's 'Reading Age' (correct term?)
o - Common Synonyms
o - Common Misspellings
o - Rarity/Density (e.g., *this* word is used infrequently)
o - I know the last of these is typically ascertained through
corpus analysis, but I thought I'd ask anyway!
3. Does the WordNet database exist in any 'popular' format, e.g., Oracle,
SQL-Server, Access?
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