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The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) and the Association
for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC) hereby announce their 2005
Joint Conference to be held at the University of Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada:
International Conference on Humanities Computing and Digital Scholarship
Joint Annual Conference of the ACH and the ALLC
June 15-19, 2005, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
The 17th joint conference of the Association for Computers and the
Humanities (ACH) and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing
(ALLC) is the oldest established meeting of scholars working at the
intersection of advanced information technologies and the humanities,
annually attracting a distinguished international community of scholars at
the forefront of their fields.
We invite papers and contributions in all areas related to humanities
computing and the application of advanced information technologies in
humanities subjects; papers on research and on teaching are both of
interest. Papers may report on new theoretical and methodological advances
in any relevant field (e.g. linguistics, literature, libraries, history,
archaeology, cultural studies, computer technology).
The Call for Papers for the 2005 Joint ACH/ALLC Conference will be
published soon (August 2004).
Proposals may be of three types: papers, poster presentations, and sessions
(either three-paper or panel sessions). Suitable subjects for proposals
include but are not limited to:
- traditional applications of computing in the humanities, including (but
not limited to) linguistics, text corpora, computational lexicography,
natural language processing, translation studies, literary studies, text
encoding, hypertext, text analysis, edition philology and statistical models;
- second language acquisition;
- minority, indigenous and rare languages: multilingualism, minority
- emerging digitization efforts: new good practices, experiences,
recommendations, training;
- humanities teaching;
- computational models and applications related to multilingualism and
multicultural issues;
- the application of information technology to cultural and historical
studies (including archaeology and musicology);
- new approaches to research in humanities disciplines using digital
- the application to humanities data of techniques developed in such fields
as information science and the physical sciences and engineering;
- the application of information technology to issues related to minority
cultures as well as the integration of immigrants in the dominant society;
- pedagogical applications of new media within the humanities;
- commercial applications of humanities computing, e.g. web technology,
natural language interfaces, archival organization and accessibility;
- applications in the digital arts, especially projects and installations
that feature technical advances of potential interest to humanities scholars;
- information design in the humanities, including visualization,
simulation, and modeling;
- thoughtful considerations of the cultural impact of computing and new media;
- theoretical or speculative treatments of new media;
- the institutional role of new media within the contemporary academy,
including curriculum development and collegial support for activities in
these fields;
- the broader social role of humanities computing and the resources it
The range of topics covered by humanities computing can also be consulted
in the journal of the associations:
Literary and Linguistic Computing (LLC), Oxford University Press:
Further information on the research and educational activities as well as
on past conferences of the two associations can be found at the following
Internet addresses:
ACH: http://www.ach.org/
ALLC: http://www.allc.org/
The conference website, which includes information on the conference venue
at the University of Victoria, can be visited at:
For further information contact Alejandro Bia (PC Chair): alex.bia@ua.es
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