Australasian Language Technology Summer School
4-7 December 2004, Macquarie University
Most human knowledge, and most human communication, is represented and
expressed using language, both in written and spoken forms. Language
technologies permit computers to process human language, providing
more natural human-machine interfaces, and more sophisticated access
to stored information. Language technologies will play a central role
in the multilingual information society of the future.
After the successful Summer School held in Melbourne in December 2003,
this year we are going to co-locate the event with the Australian
International Conference on Speech Science & Technology (SST 2004) at
Macquarie University []. Like last year,
there will also be a workshop, this year taking place on 8 December
As was the case last year, the summer school will consist of both
introductory and advanced courses.
Introductory Courses
The introductory courses do not presuppose any specific knowledge of
language technology, though some knowledge of computing will be
assumed. These courses are ideal for students who want to start
postgraduate studies in the area, researchers who want to learn about
language technology, and those in industry who want to learn about the
scope for language technology in industry. The provisional list of
courses is as follows:
* Speech Processing (David Grayden, The Bionic Ear Institute)
* Speech Annotation with EMU (Steve Cassidy, Macquarie University)
* VoiceXML (Rolf Schwitter, Macquarie University)
* Grammar Formalisms (Ash Asudeh, University of Canterbury)
Advanced Courses
The advanced courses are targetted at specific topics within the area
of language technology. Basic knowledge in language technology at the
level of Honours, Masters, or equivalent is assumed. The provisional
list of courses is as follows:
* Prosody (Janet Fletcher, University of Melbourne - 3 hours)
* Text Classification (Jon Patrick, University of Sydney)
* Maximum Enthropy (James Curran, University of Sydney)
* Information Retrieval (Justin Zobel, RMIT University and
Alistair Moffat, University of Melbourne)
* Multiword Expressions (Timothy Baldwin, University of Melbourne)
The course program is structured so that attendees will be able to
attend up to two introductory courses and two advanced courses.
Diego Molla
on behalf of the ALTA Executive Committee
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