We would like to inform you about an open call for paid traineeships in the
field of computational linguistics and multilingual text analysis at the
European Commission's Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Northern Italy.
The Language Technology group (http://www.jrc.it/langtech), which focuses on
highly multilingual applications providing cross-lingual information access,
is especially looking for trainees that could contribute in one or more of
the following fields:
- Machine learning
- Document classification and relevance-ranking
- Multilingual lexicography
- Information extraction (IE)
- Adaptation of existing IE tools to new languages.
- Minimum programming skills
- Working knowledge of English, French or Italian.
Multilingual applicants speaking one or more of the languages Polish,
Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Russian, Arabic,
Turkish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian or Danish would be particularly
welcome, as would be a good knowledge of web technology, databases,
statistics and programming languages. For more information, see also
http://www.jrc.cec.eu.int/langtech/WorkatJRC.html .
The remuneration (for people not living in Italy) is 735 Euro per month plus
travel. Student apartments may be available for about 150 Euro per month.
For further information, including the exact eligibility criteria (less than
30 years old; no completed Ph.D.; minimum duration of two months; allowed
nationalities, etc.), see the main JRC web site http://www.jrc.it/ and click
on "JRC is looking for young trainees". Completed application forms,
together with CV and letter of motivation should arrive before 30.11.2004
Joint Research Centre
Via Fermi 1
IPSC, T.P. 268
Anne-Marie Morrissey
I - 21020 Ispra (VA)
Reference: "Internship in Language Technology, project 4312".
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