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Last reminder for Early bird registration: 15th July 2004 - NEMLAR Arabic
Language Resources and Tools conference
The international conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools is
organised by the NEMLAR project consortium and will take place the 22-23
September 2004 in Cairo, Egypt.
In this conference we will focus on Arabic language technology and on the
necessary language resources and tools for both research and commercial
development of language technology for Arabic. Multilingual language
technology is also highlighted, as well as general methodologies.
Evaluation of modules and systems is another field which is closely related
to language resources, because language resources are used to perform the
evaluation. Substantial mutual benefits will be achieved by addressing
these issues through international collaboration. For this reason, the
conference is organised at the international level.
The conference is held under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of
Information & Telecommunications.
**Programme Committee Co chairs:
Khalid Choukri, ELDA - Evaluations and Language resources Distribution
Agency, France
Bente Maegaard, CST - Center for Sprogteknologi, University of Copenhagen,
**Local Organising Committee Co chairs:
Muhsin Rashwan, Cairo University, Egypt
Muhammad Atiyya, The Engineering Company for Computer Systems Development,
RDI, Egypt
**Main sponsors:
Sakhr, Egypt
ELRA - European Language Resources Association
Supported by The INCO-MED programme, the European Commission
Early registration before July 15th 2004
For more information please see:
Conference web site: http://www.elda.fr/nemlar-conf
Project web site: http://www.nemlar.org
Mahtab Nikkhou
NEMLAR Conference Organisation Committee
Mahtab Nikkhou mailto:nikkhou@elda.fr
Language Resources Project Manager
ELDA - Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency
55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin, 75013 Paris - France
Tel.:+33 1 43 13 33 33 - Fax:+33 1 43 13 33 30
WWW: http://www.elda.fr
LREC 2004 Conference: http://www.lrec-conf.org
Nemlar Conference: http://www.elda.fr/nemlar-conf
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