Apologies for any cross postings.
SIGIR'04 is proving to be popular and the ACCOMMODATION IN SHEFFIELD IS
FILLING UP although there are still places. If you haven't registered or
booked accommodation, we strongly recommend to do so by the end of this
SIGIR 2004
Twenty-Seventh Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval
July 25 - 29, 2004
Sheffield, UK
Organized by
The University of Sheffield and ACM
SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new
research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques
in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The Conference and
Program Chairs invite all those working in areas related to IR to submit
original research contributions, posters, and proposals for tutorials,
workshops, and demonstrations of systems.
Once devoted to being a world-leading steel town, Sheffield's largest
money-making industries are now its Universities. The fifth largest city
in the UK, Sheffield is one of the country's greenest: filled with parks
and trees. The University of Sheffield is located in one of the pleasantest
parts: the west end. Here, restaurants, cafes, and bars - all within
walking distance of the conference location - offer evening activities
for all.
Sheffield is an excellent starting point to explore the North of
England. To the west, only 5 miles from the city centre, is the Peak
District National Park. Here, internationally renowned stately homes,
such as Chatsworth, Lyme Park, and Haddon Hall, combine with famous rock
climbing crags and great opportunities to walk to produce one of the
worlds most visited national parks. To the north east, the city of York
offers to the visitor its Minster (the largest Gothic Cathedral in
Northern Europe), the Jorvik Viking centre, and the National Railway
Museum, the largest such museum in the world. The other great cities of
the North, Manchester, Leeds, and Liverpool can all be visited as a day
trip from Sheffield. London to the south is only 2.5 hours on the train.
Travel to Sheffield: http://sigir.org/sigir2004/travel.htm
Programme Committee
-Kalervo Jarvelin, University of Tampere, Finland -James Allan,
University of Massachusetts, USA -Peter Bruza, Distributed Systems
Technology Centre, Australia
Posters Chair
-Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland
Best Papers Chair
-John Tait, University of Sunderland, UK
Mentoring Chair
-Doug Oard, University of Maryland, USA
Doctoral Consortium
-David Harper, Robert Gordon University, UK
Tutorials Chair
-Fabio Crestani, University of Strathclyde, UK
Workshops Chair
-Mounia Lalmas, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Demos Chair
-Ian Ruthven, University of Strathclyde, UK
Allocation of EU Student Travel Grants
-Stefan Rueger, Imperial College London, UK
Local Organisers
General Chair
-Mark Sanderson, University of Sheffield, UK
-Micheline Beaulieu, University of Sheffield, UK
-Kathryn Cobley (Conference accountant), University of Sheffield, UK
Local Arrangements
-Peter Willett, University of Sheffield, UK
Registration chair
-Daniela Petrelli, University of Sheffield, UK
Publicity & Website
-Hideo Joho, University of Sheffield, UK
-Steve Levin, University of Sheffield, UK
Organiser of PC meeting in London
-Mounia Lalmas, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
For further details, see the Conference web site.
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