Workshop on
August 28th, 2004
To be held in conjunction with COLING 2004
In an ever expanding information society, most information systems are
now facing the "multilingual challenge". Lexical resources play an
essential role in these information systems. Such lexical resources
need to provide information on many languages in a common framework and
should be (re)usable in many applications (for automatic or human use).
Many centers have been involved in national, european and international
projects dedicated to building harmonized language resources and
creating expertise in the maintenance and further development of
standardized linguistic data. These resources include dictionaries,
lexicons, thesauri, wordnets, and annotated corpora developed along the
lines of best practices and recommendations. However, since the late
90's most efforts in scaling up these resources remain the
responsibility of the local authorities, usually, with very low funding
(if any) and few opportunities for academic recognition of this work.
Hence, it is not surprising that many of the resource holders and
developers have become reluctant to give free access to the latest
resources. It is therefore currently rather unclear what the actual
status is of these language resources.
The goal of this workshop is to study problems involved in the
development/management/reuse of lexical resources in a multilingual
context. Moreover, this workshop will provide a forum for reviewing
the state of language resources. The workshop is meant to bring to the
international community qualitative and quantitative information about
the most recent developments in the area of linguistic resources and
their use in applications.
As the workshop takes place in Europe, special attention will be given
to submissions on resources for European languages (especially Central
and Eastern European languages), but submission of innovative
developments involving any language will be welcome.
The intent of the workshop is not only to review academic developments
but also to hear from industry, how these resources are used in new
technology developments and what the current needs are in the field.
Presentations, project notes and position papers are welcome.
To register for the workshop, please go to the following web site:
[ http://www.issco.unige.ch/coling2004/ ]
The (late) registration fee is CHF 150 for regular participants, and
CHF 120 for students. See the COLING web site for more details.
08:30-09:00 Registration Welcome
09:00-10:00 Paper Session
- JMdict: a Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary; James Breen
- A Generic Collaborative Platform for Multilingual Lexical
Databases Development; Gilles Sérasset
10:00-11:00 Poster Session and opened discussions
- Semi-Automatic Construction of Korean-Chinese Verb Patterns based
on Translation Equivalency; Munpyo Hong, Young-Kil Kim, Sang-Kyu Park,
Young-Jik Lee
- Bilingual Sign Language Dictionary to Learn the Second Sign
Language without Learning a Target Spoken Language; Emiko Suzuki,
Mariko Horikoshi, Kyoko Kakihana
- Building Parallel Corpora for eContent Professionals; M.
Gavrilidou, P. Labropoulou, E. Desipri, V. Giouli, V. Antonopoulos, S.
- Revising the Wordnet Domains Hierarchy: semantics, coverage and
balancing; Luisa Bentivogli, Pamela Forner, Bernardo Magnini, Emanuele
- PolyphraZ: a tool for the management of parallel corpora; Najeh
Hajlaoui, Christian Boitet
- Multilingual Text Induced Spelling Correction; Martin Reynaert
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Papers Session
- A Model for Fine-Grained Alignment of Multilingual Texts; Lea
Cyrus, Hendrik Feddes
- Identifying correspondences between words: an approach based on a
bilingual syntactic analysis of French/English parallel corpora; Sylwia
- Multilingual Aligned Parallel Treebank Corpus Reflecting
Contextual Information and Its Applications; Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Yujie
Zhang, Kiyoshi Sudo, Masaki Murata, Satoshi Sekine, Hitoshi Isahara
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Papers Session
- A Method of Creating New Bilingual Valency Entries using
Alternations; Sanae Fujita, Francis Bond
- Automatic Construction of a Transfer Dictionary Considering
Directionality; Kyonghee Paik, Satoshi Shirai, Hiromi Nakaiwa
15:00-15:30 Poster Session and opened discussions
- Semi-Automatic Construction of Korean-Chinese Verb Patterns based
on Translation Equivalency; Munpyo Hong, Young-Kil Kim, Sang-Kyu Park,
Young-Jik Lee
- Bilingual Sign Language Dictionary to Learn the Second Sign
Language without Learning a Target Spoken Language; Emiko Suzuki,
Mariko Horikoshi, Kyoko Kakihana
- Building Parallel Corpora for eContent Professionals; M.
Gavrilidou, P. Labropoulou, E. Desipri, V. Giouli, V. Antonopoulos, S.
- Revising the Wordnet Domains Hierarchy: semantics, coverage and
balancing; Luisa Bentivogli, Pamela Forner, Bernardo Magnini, Emanuele
- PolyphraZ: a tool for the management of parallel corpora; Najeh
Hajlaoui, Christian Boitet
- Multilingual Text Induced Spelling Correction; Martin Reynaert
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Papers Session
- Building and sharing multilingual speech resources, using ERIM
generic platforms; Georges Fafiotte
- Multilinguality in ETAP-3: Reuse of Lexical Resources; Igor
Boguslavsky, Leonid Iomdin, Victor Sizov
- Qualitative Evaluation of Automatically Calculated Acception Based
MLDB; Aree Teeraparbseree
17:30-18:00 Opened discussions & Closing
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