** Call for Participation **
DAARC 2004
The 5th International Conference on
Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution
S. Miguel, Azores, September 23 - 24, 2004
Following the success of the previous international colloquia
on Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution at Lancaster
in 1996, 1998 and 2000, and at Lisbon in 2002, the next colloquium
in the series will be held in Furnas, S. Miguel island, Azores,
Portugal, in 2004, on the 23-24th September.
The programme of DAARC2004 includes 2 invited talks, by Tony
Sanford and Amit Bagga, and 30 contributed presentations,
which reflect the most recent advances of the work on anaphora,
ranging from theoretical linguistic approaches through
psycholinguistic and cognitive work to computational modelling
of anaphor resolution.
Detailed information on the venue, accommodation and registration
can be found at: http://daarc2003.di.fc.ul.pt . July 15 is the
deadline for registration with reduced fees.
This is the colloquium programme:
Thursday, September, 23
9:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Room A
Joel Tetreault and James Allen
(University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science, USA)
Dialogue Structure and Pronoun Resolution
Sun-Hee Lee* and Donna K. Byron**
(Ohio State University, *Department of Linguistics,
**Department of Computer and Information Science, USA)
Semantic Resolution of Zero and Pronoun Anaphors in Korean
Leif Arda Nielsen
(King's College, UK)
Using Automatically Parsed Text for Robust VPE Detection
Room B
Tine Breban
(KULeuven, Department of Linguistics, Belgium)
Comparative Reference: A Lexico-Grammatical Characterization
of the Different Phoric Patterns
Volker Gast
(Free University of Berlin, Germany)
The Interpretation of Logophoric *Self*-Forms and Some
Consequences for a Model of Reference and Denotation
Peter Willemse
(University of Leuven, Linguistics Department, Belgium)
Esphora as Forward Bridging in NPs of the type *the N of a(n) N*
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
Room A
Jeanette K. Gundel*, Nancy Hedberg** and Ron Zacharski***
(*University of Minnesota, **Simon Fraser University,
***New Mexico State University, USA)
Demonstrative Pronouns in Natural Discourse
Costanza Navarretta
(Copenhagen University, Center for Sprogteknologi, Denmark)
The Main Reference Mechanisms of Danish Demonstrative
Pronominal Anaphors
Andrej A. Kibrik
(Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, Russia)
Zero Anaphora vs. Zero Person Marking in Slavic:
A Chicken/Egg Dilemma?
Room B
Lucie Kucová and Eva Hajicová
(Charles University, Center for Computational Linguistics,
Check Republic)
Coreferential Relations in the Prague Dependency Treebank
Marco Rocha
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
The Classification of Anaphoric Demonstratives into Processing
Strategies for Automatic Resolution: a Corpus-based Approach
Olga Krasavina
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Use of the Third-person Pronouns and Rhetorical Structure:
A Corpus-Oriented Study
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 - 17:30
Room A
Constantin Orasan
(University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities,
Languages and Social Sciences, UK)
The Influence of Personal Pronouns for Automatic
Summarisation of Scientific Articles
Caroline Gasperin*, Susanne Salmon-Alt** and Renata Vieira*
(*Unisinos, PIPCA, Brazil, **ATILF-CNRS, France)
How useful are similarity word lists for indirect
anaphora resolution?
Donna K. Byron and Whitney Gegg-Harrison
(The Ohio State University, Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, USA)
Eliminating Non-Referring Noun Phrases from
Coreference Resolution
Room B
Patrícia Amaral
(The Ohio State University, USA)
Inferrables with Pronominal Subjects in European Portuguese:
Implications for Theories of Discourse Anaphora
Duygu Can*, Sylviane Cardey*, Peter Greenfield*,
Richard Evans** and Ruslan Mitkov**
(*Université Franche-Compté, Centre Lucien Tesniére, France,
**University of Wolverhampton, Research Group in Computational
Linguistics, UK)
English Made Simple: A Preliminary Study on Anaphora
and Anaphora Resolution
Philippe De Brabanter
(CNRS-ENS-EHESS, Institut Jean Nicod, France)
'World-to-Language' Shifts between an Antecedent and its Pro-Form
Friday, September, 24
9:00 - 10:00 : Invited talk
Tony Sanford
(Glasgow University, Department of Psychology, UK)
Title t.b.a
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 12:00
Room A
Réjean Canac-Marquis
(Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Bound Pronoun Variables and Incremental Interpretation:
Toward a Unified Theory of Bound Anaphora
Anca Sevcenco
(Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, The Netherlands)
Long Distance Romanian Anaphors and the Blocking Effect
Rose-Marie Déchaine* and Mireille Tremblay**
(*University of British Columbia, **Queen's University,
Local Disjoint Reference and Reciprocal Construal
Room B
Donna K. Byron and Whitney Gegg-Harrison
(The Ohio State University, Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, USA)
Evaluating Optimality Theory for Pronoun Resolution
Algorithm Specification
Maria Armanda Costa*, Isabel Hub Faria* and **Michéle Kail
(*Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, Portugal;
**CNRS, University of Paris V, France)
Semantic and Syntactic Cues' Interaction on Pronoun Resolution
in European Portuguese
Kaja Borthen (NTNU, Norway)
The Type-Anaphor 'det'
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00 : Invited talk
Amit Bagga
(Ask Jeeves Inc., USA)
Cross-Document Coreference: Methodologies, Evaluations,
and Applications
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00
Room A
Ruslan Mitkov and Constantin Orasan
(University of Wolverhampton, UK)
Discourse and Coherence: Revisiting Specific Conventions
of the Centering Theory
Roland Stuckardt
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Three Algorithms for Competence-Oriented Anaphor Resolution
Kamlesh Dutta*, Nupur Prakash** and Saroj Kaushik***
(*National Institute of Technology, Department of
Computer Science & Engineering, **Guru Govind Singh
Indraprastha University, Indira Gandhi Institute of
Technology, ***Indian Institute of Technology,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, India)
Distributed Architecture for Possessive Pronominal
Anaphor Resolution in Hindi Language
Room B
Oana Postolache*,** and Dan Cristea**,***
(*University of Saarland, Germany; **"Al. I. Cuza" University,
Faculty of Computer Science, ***Romanian Academy -
the Iasi Branch, Institute of Computer Science, Romania)
Designing Test-Beds for General Anaphora Resolution
Olga Uryupina
(Saarland University, Computational Linguistics, Germany)
Linguistically Motivated Sample Selection for
Coreference Resolution
Susanne Salmon-Alt* and Laurent Romary
(*ATILF-CNRS, **LORIA-Inria, France)
Data Categories for Normalized Reference Annotation Scheme
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