***** Call for Participation *****
2nd Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Integrating Processing
A Workshop in conjunction with ACL'04 in Barcelona, Spain
Workshop date: July 26, 2004
Workshop website: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/alk23/mwe04/mwe.html
To register for the workshop, go to http://www.acl2004.org/
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness in the NLP
community of the problems that Multiword Expressions (MWEs) pose and
the need for their robust handling. MWEs include a large range of
linguistic phenomena, such as phrasal verbs (e.g. "add up"), nominal
compounds (e.g. "telephone box"), and institutionalized phrases
(e.g. "salt and pepper"). These expressions, which can be
syntactically and/or semantically idiosyncratic in nature, are used
frequently in everyday language, usually to express precisely ideas
and concepts that cannot be compressed into a single word.
Many real-world applications tend to ignore MWEs or address them
simply by listing. However, it is clear that successful applications
will need to be able to identify and treat them appropriately. This
particularly applies to the many applications which require some
degree of semantic interpretation (e.g. machine translation,
question-answering, summarisation, generation) and require tasks such
as parsing and word sense disambiguation.
In this workshop the focus is on papers that integrate analysis,
acquisition and treatment of various kinds of multiword expressions
(MWEs) in NLP. For example,
(1) research that combines a linguistic analysis with a method of
automatically acquiring the classes described
(2) work that combines the computational treatment of a class of MWEs
with a solid linguistic analysis
(3) research that extracts MWEs and either classifies them or uses
them in some task.
These combinations of research will help to bridge the gap between the
needs of NLP and the descriptive tradition of linguistics.
9:30-9:35 Welcome
9:35-10:00 * Statistical Measures of the Semi-Productivity of
Light Verb Constructions
- Suzanne Stevenson, Afsaneh Fazly and Ryan North
10:00-10:25 * Paraphrasing of Japanese Light-verb Constructions
Based on Lexical Conceptual Structure
- Atsushi Fujita, Kentaro Furihata, Kentaro Inui,
Yuji Matsumoto and Koichi Takeuchi
10:25-10:50 * What is at Stake: a Case Study of Russian Expressions
Starting with a Preposition
- Serge Sharoff
10:50-11:20 BREAK
11:20-11:45 * Translation by Machine of Complex Nominals: Getting it Right
- Timothy Baldwin and Takaaki Tanaka
11:45-12:10 * MWEs as Non-propositional Content Indicators
- Kosho Shudo, Toshifumi Tanabe, Masahito Takahashi and
Kenji Yoshimura
12:10-12:35 * Multiword Expression Filtering for Building Knowledge
- Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan and Jose Perez-Carballo
12:35-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:25 * Representation and Treatment of Multiword Expressions
in Basque
- Inaki Alegria, Olatz Ansa, Xabier Artola,
Nerea Ezeiza, Koldo Gojenola and Ruben Urizar
14:25-14:50 * Multiword Expressions as Dependency Subgraphs
- Ralph Debusmann
14:50-15:15 * Integrating Morphology with Multi-word Expression
Processing in Turkish
- Kemal Oflazer, Ozlem Cetinoglu and Bilge Say
15:15-15:45 BREAK
15:45-16:10 * Frozen Sentences of Portuguese: Formal Descriptions for NLP
- Jorge Baptista, Anabela Correia and Graca Fernandes
16:10-16:35 * Lexical Encoding of MWEs
- Aline Villavicencio, Ann Copestake, Benjamin Waldron
and Fabre Lambeau
16:35-17:30 DISCUSSION
Takaaki Tanaka (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan)
Aline Villavicencio (University of Essex, UK; University of Cambridge, UK)
Francis Bond (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan)
Anna Korhonen (University of Cambridge, UK)
Timothy Baldwin (Stanford University, USA)
Colin Bannard (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Gael Dias (Beira Interior University, Portugal)
James Dowdall (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Dan Flickinger (Stanford University, USA)
Matthew Hurst (Intelliseek, USA)
Stephan Oepen (Stanford University, USA; University of Oslo, Norway)
Kyonghee Paik (ATR Spoken Language Translation Research Laboratories, Japan)
Scott Piao (University of Lancaster, UK)
Beata Trawinski (University of Tuebningen, Germany)
Kiyoko Uchiyama (Keio University, Japan)
CONTACT: mwe-acl04@cl.cam.ac.uk
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