Dear Jun
I asked a similar question about 18 months ago. My summary of responses is
posted at:
I look forward to hearing about some more recent publications/activities.
Cameron Smart
----- Original Message -----
From: "±è ÁؽÄ" <ambjskim@HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:26 AM
Subject: [Corpora-List] Using corpora in language testing
> Hi, my name is Jun, a first-year PhD student in lancaster university.
> I'm intersted in a web-based writing test and any possibility of using
> coropora in lanuage testing in one or other ways. I'm trying to find any
> articles regarding corpora in language testing, but I've found there are
> not many works done yet. If anyone knows anything related to the topic,
> would you please inform me?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Best wishes,
> Jun
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