(Apologies to those who receive more than one copy)
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Time Expression Recognition and Normalization
(TERN) Evaluation, April-September 2004
Sponsored by the Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) program
The objective of the Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) program is to
develop natural language processing technology to support automatic
understanding of textual data. This includes classification, filtering,
and selection based on the meaning conveyed by the data. Thus, the ACE
program requires the development of technologies that automatically
detect and characterize this meaning.
The Time Expression Recognition and Normalization (TERN) evaluation is
based on work that began in 1999 to establish a set of useful guidelines
for text annotation and data interchange. The guidelines define a tag
called TIMEX2, including attributes for expressing the normalized,
intended meaning or value of a broad range of temporal expressions. The
work extends the Message Understanding Conferences' definition of the
TIMEX category of named entity to include a broader variety of
expressions and to offer a normalization scheme.
TIMEX2 is influencing the definition of ACE tasks, in which temporal
expressions covered by TIMEX2 will contribute to filling temporal
attributes for extracted relations and events. Thus, the production of
TIMEX2 annotations is viewed as an ACE component technology. The TERN
evaluation is open to sites that want to develop this type of component
technology. The evaluation will be offered in both English and Chinese.
The TIMEX2 task requires that temporal expressions mentioned in the
source data be detected and normalized according to the "2003 Standard
for the Annotation of Temporal Expressions" by Ferro et al, as updated
and posted on the project website (http://timex2.mitre.org). Guidelines
that are particular to Chinese are documented (with extensive examples)
in a separate supplement.
Temporal expressions to be marked include both absolute expressions
("July 17, 1999", "12:00", "the summer of '69") and relative expressions
("yesterday," "last week," "the next millennium"). Also markable are
durations ("one-hour", "two weeks"), event-anchored expressions ("two
days before departure"), and sets of times ("every week"). The degree
to which these expressions can be normalized given the current TIMEX2
guidelines varies according to the type and specificity of the
Annotated training and test data are being prepared by the MITRE
Corporation, under the supervision of the SPAWAR Systems Center. The
text corpora to be used for evaluation are drawn from those selected for
the basic ACE 2004 evaluation tasks (Entity Detection and Tracking,
Relation Detection and Characterization). Both training and test sets
are drawn from broadcast news and newswire sources. The Linguistic Data
Consortium (LDC) is managing the distribution of the training materials
to TERN participants.
Scores will be reported in terms of precision, recall, and F-measure, as
well as in error-based terms of undergeneration, overgeneration,
substitution and overall error. The National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) is responsible for administering the TERN evaluation,
using scoring software prepared by the MITRE Corporation.
Three aspects of TIMEX2 performance will be measured:
* Detection (correct/missing/spurious): whether a markable
expression is detected and given a TIMEX2 tag
* Text (correct/incorrect): the byte offsets of the markable
expression (extent)
* Attributes (correct/incorrect/missing/spurious): the values
assigned to each of the attributes (VAL, MOD, ANCHOR_DIR, ANCHOR_VAL,
SET) within the
TIMEX2 tag
Sites that are not prepared to undertake the Attributes (normalization)
portion of the task may elect to be evaluated only on the Detection and
Text aspects.
Now: Interested sites may obtain evaluation information from
http://timex2.mitre.org and
April 12-July 1: Increments of training data released by LDC to sites
that respond to this CFP (see below)
June 30: Last day to register as evaluation participant (see below)
August 2-13: Evaluation text corpus (English/Chinese) available to
participants. Participants must return results (system output) to NIST
within 24
hours of receipt of the evaluation corpus.
August 13: Last day for participants to submit official results to NIST
September (date TBD): Evaluation scores released by NIST to
23 September: One-day meeting in conjunction with ACE workshop
Organizations that are considering participation in the TERN evaluation
should do the following at this time:
1. Send the information requested below by email to
Organization name:
Contact name:
Contact email address:
Contact telephone number:
Shipping Address (including street address and main telephone
By providing this information, your organization will become eligible to
receive the training and evaluation corpora from the LDC.
2. Subscribe to the ACE_TERN mailing list by following the
instructions at NIST's ACE website at
In order to register your organization as an official participant in the
TERN evaluation and to receive an invitation to attend the TERN
workshop, please visit the above NIST website for specific registration
information. You will need to submit the completed TERN evaluation
registration form, which is available for download from that site, prior
to June 30, as stated in the registration form.
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