[Corpora-List] cift04 : last call (extended deadline 22feb2004)

From: Marie-Hélène Antoni (Marie-Helene.Antoni@univ-poitiers.fr)
Date: Fri Feb 06 2004 - 14:11:01 MET

  • Next message: Stella Tagnin: "[Corpora-List] Translation & Corpora Conference in Brazil"

    Colloque International sur la Fouille de Texte
    La Rochelle 22-24 juin 2004 (France)

    After CIFT'02, organised in Hammamet in October
    2002, CIFT'04, International Conference on Text
    Mining, will be held in La Rochelle (France), from
    22nd to 24th June 2004.
    This meeting will take place during the "digital document
    week" (SDN'04, Semaine du Document Numérique; 21-25
    June), which brings together around 20
    workshops and scientific conferences (e.g. ATALA
    and ISKO-France). This scientific week is
    organised by RTP-Doc (http://rtp-doc.enssib.fr)
    This year's themes for the conference are therefore
    linked to production and
    diffusion of electronic documents. Most conferences
    will focus on information exploitation and intelligent
    access to contents, be they text, image, sound or
    video. SDN aims at bringing together various
    communities who all have a different approach to
    documents and textual contents, in order to allow
    participants to benefit from this diversity. The CIFT
    conference which was in 2002 already associated to
    CIDE (Conférence Internationale sur le Document
    Electronique) and CIFED (Colloque International
    Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document) is therefore a
    natural key leader in this project.
    CIFT stems from the common preoccupation of an
    emerging community of researchers seeking the
    concerted use of techniques of Information Science,
    Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Linguistics,
    Terminology, Natural Language Processing, Machine
    Learning, Knowledge Acquisition, Ontology Learning,
    Text Mining and Semantic Web. They have already
    organised several conferences and workshops such as
    AFIA, LREC, EGC and CoNLL.
    Within the SDN, CIFT wants to be a forum for
    discussions around the implementation of such methods on bases of textual or more generally audio-visual documents.
    Consequently, evaluators will especially appreciate
    papers on detailed and large-scale experimentation
    involving Text
    Mining solutions or the integration of text mining
    software in global document
    engineering systems, or papers on the presentation of
    software solutions
    (including help tools regarding learning validation,
    results browsing, etc).
    Submitted papers may deal with theoretical,
    methodological or practical aspects of Text Mining. The
    following list of topics is intended as suggestive
    rather than comprehensive:

    * Text Mining Models and methods derived from:
    - Data Mining
    - Natural Language Processing
    - Knowledge Acquisition
    - Artificial Intelligence
    - Multilingual approach
    - digital/symbolic Machine Learning
    - Automatic Clustering
    - Patterns Recognition
    - XML World
    - Ontologies
    - etc.
    * Fields of (mono/multilingual) application :
    - Information retrieval
    - Information Extraction
    - Question/Answering systems
    - Categorisation, push, pull
    - Machine abstracts
    - Semantic Web
    - knowledge re-engineering
    - Information Synthesis
    - Writing Help
    - Decision Help
    - etc

    * Dates to be remembered:
    Deadline for submission: 22 st February 2004
    Authors Notification: 15th March 2004
    Due date for Camera Ready Copies: 15th april 2004
    Conference: 22-24 Juin 2004
    submit and address questions about the conference program to:

    Conference Committee Chair :
    Marie-Hélène Antoni & François Yvon

    Program Committee :
    Marie-Hélène Antoni (Université de Poitiers)
    Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse)
    Gilles Bisson (IMAG, Grenoble)
    Bruno Bachimont (INA et Univ. Technologique de Compiègne)
    Nuria Castells (TALP,  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
    Jean Charlet (STIM/AP-HP, ERM202-INSERM, Paris)
    Fabrice Clérot (FT R&D, Lannion)
    Pascal Coupet (Témis France, Paris)
    Eric Gaussier (Xerox , Grenoble)
    James Cussens (Université d'York)
    Marc El-Beze (Univ. Avignon)
    Patrick Gallinari (LIP6, Paris)
    Gregory Grefenstette (Clairvoyance Corp.)
    Yves Kodratoff (LRI, Université Paris XI, Orsay)
    Stan Matwin (SITE, Univ. d'Ottawa)
    Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Univ. Paris XIII, Villetaneuse)
    Claire Nédellec (MIG/INRA, Jouy-en-Josas)
    Laurent Miclet (IRISA-ENSSAT, Lannion)
    Patrick Paroubek (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay)
    Marie-Laure Reinberger (CNTS, Antwerp)
    Martin Rajman (EPFL, Lausanne)
    Pascale Sébillot (IRISA, Rennes)
    Yannick Toussaint (LORIA, Nancy)
    Yorik Wilks (University of Sheffield)
    Francois Yvon (ENST,Paris)
    Pierre Zweigenbaum (STIM/AP-HP, ERM202-INSERM et CRIM-INaLCOAP-HP, Paris)

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