Corpora: POS Windows taggers and collocations summary

Michael Nelson (
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 20:22:39 +0300 (EET DST)

Once again many thanks to all who replied to my query about POS taggers for
Windows and collocation statistics. Here are the replies I got.

Micahel Barlow wrote that he has a program for collocational stats but it is
not ready yet.
Michael Barlow,


Wolfgang Lezius wrote:

If you're working on German texts, my tagger (including morphology tool)
might be interesting. It's freely available:

If you're working on English: The Brill tagger is available on Windows
platforms. There have been some mails on this list about it.

Gilles Souvay wrote:

You can download Brill's tagger under Windows95/98 (version to come will
also run under WNT) at

Best regards

___________________________________________________ Paul Rayson wrote:

We are currently porting CLAWS from UNIX to Windows and I hope it will be available in the next 2 or 3 months.

More info on the UNIX version at


Oliver mason wrote:

For POS tagging:

QTAG ( is written in Java and thus works under Windows as well as on Unix. It is free for non-commercial purposes and not too expensive if you want to use it commercially.

> 2. Is there a program available, again under Windows, that can give me t,z > and MI scores for collocational significance? I have developed a corpus access tool called Qwick, also in Java. At the moment it is only available on the BNC sampler CD ROM (with a pre-indexed sample of 2.5 million words of British English), but I will soon (probably about next week) make it available for downloading from our website (without the data, as I cannot distribute that).

Qwick gives you a choice of seven or eight different scores, including several variants of MI,

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