ICAME corpora have found a new home in the CLARIN project through the Norwegian part, CLARINO.
The corpora are available for academic use.
The corpora are available in the Corpuscle program (login from the top line).
Users from many universities can log in with their ordinary user id through the eduGAIN or CLARIN Service Provider Federation (SPF). Go to the Corpuscle home page and choose eduGAIN or CLARIN SPF from the top login line and search for your university.
Norwegian users can use Feide login through eduGAIN (if you don't find your institution on the login page contact Knut.Hofland@uni.no). .
If you are not able to use eduGAIN or CLARIN SPF register for an ClarinIdP account and be manually approved.
OpenIdP is another choice, but this may be terminated on short notice.
At the moment the following corpora are available for searching (most also for downloading through the "Overview" option in the menu to the left for each corpus):