Working group board:
Espen S. Ore
Humanities Information Technology
University of Bergen
Harald Hårfagresgt. 31,
N - 5007 Bergen, Norway
tel: +47 5558-2865
fax: +47 5558-9470
Dr. Donald Broady (
KTH Royal Institute
of Technology/Nada
S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
tel: +46 8 7375602, +46 8 7906299
fax: +46 8 102477
tel: +46 8 7677127 home
Lou Burnard (
OUCS Oxford University Computing
Humanities Computing
13, Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 1QZ, England, UK
tel: +44 1865 273200
Dr. Lisa Lena Opas (
Department of Foreign Languages
University of Joensuu
PO Box 111
80101 Joensuu, Finland
tel: +358-13-1514321
fax: +358-13-1514211
Dr. phil. Thomas
Rommel (
Seminar fuer Englische Philologie
Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstrasse 50
D-72074 Tübingen, BRD
tel: +49-7071 2973259
fax: +49-7071 294282
PD Drin. Elisabeth
Burr (
FB 3/Romanistik
Gerhard-Mercator-Universität GH
Geibelstrasse 41
D-47048 Duisburg, BRD
tel: +49 203 3791957
Harold Short (
Director, Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Assistant Director, Computing Centre
King's College London
Strand, London WC2R 2LS, England, UK
tel: +44 171 873-2739
fax: +44 171 836-1799
Dr. Andrea Tabarroni (
University of Udine/University of Bologna
Department of History
University of Udine, ITALY
tel. +39 51 432217
Updated May 16, 1999.