How do you think jobs in the humanities (or your specific area) will
change in the future?
Answering institutions:
Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg
Département des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Tronheim-
Department of Drama, Film and Theatre
The Robert Gordon University
CRiAD- Centre for Research in Art and Design Gray's School of Art
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Departamento de Linguistica, Lenguas Modernas, Logica y Filosofia de
la Ciencia
Universität Bonn
Institut fuer Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik
Universitat de Barcelona
Faculty of Filology. Department of Spanish Filology.
University of Zurich
Dept. of Computer Sciences
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster
Anglistik, Arbeitsbereich Linguistik
- Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg
Département des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines:
As my specific area is concerned (history) I think that our teachers
in secondary schools will use Internet facilities more and more. Unfortunately
our curriculum does not take into account these possibilities for the moment.
In Teacher training (or better learning) the place of IT is very limited.For
researchers in history it is clear that IT and Internet facilities are
excellent tools. TOOLS!!! Only tools, but tools.
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology in
Tronheim- NTNU
Department of Drama, Film and Theatre:
See b
- The Robert Gordon University
CRiAD- Centre for Research in Art and Design Gray's School of Art:
Within Art and Design there is increasing demand for collaborative
practice. This is perceived to be a radical shift away from the cult of
the individual towards the development of a new perception of the individual
practitioner as a member of a team, or part of a network of relationships,
both within and across disciplines. This can be seen in particular in the
rapid development of opportunities for commissions as well as in the instigation
of cultural events, to which visual artists are contributors, not sole
participators. The metaphor of the network, clearly developed out of and
beyond the field of computing, has led towards a greater embedding of the
individual practitioner of Art and Design within a specific culture. This
process of embedding is making demands on practitioners to communicate
what they do and how beyond the assumptions of their own specific area
with a consequent increase in research methodologies with which to achieve
this process of communication and accountability.
- Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Departamento de Linguistica, Lenguas Modernas, Logica y Filosofia
de la Ciencia:
Dramatically. We'll need more and more scholars with skills in Philology,
Linguistics and a sound knowledge of Humanities Computing Computers in
classroom, web based courses and e-mail tuition will be the fundamental
- Universität Bonn
Institut fuer Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik :
Electronic and internet publishing will play a key role. The amount
of available texts will strengthen the need of semantic content indexing
and filtering.
- Universitat de Barcelona
Faculty of Filology. Department of Spanish Filology.:
It will serve to give a broader impact and extension throughout the
European Community to some areas (Literature, for example) and to increase
the speed of apprenticeship for students. It will also make us more aware
of the benefits taken from a higher and deeper communication with some
other Universities or institutions interested in studying or treating the
same contents or with other departments so as to develop a better knowledge
of our subjects.
- University of Zurich
Dept. of Computer Sciences:
Computer literacy in a very wide sense is getting increasingly more
important than many of t
- Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster
Anglistik, Arbeitsbereich Linguistik:
An academic education in the humanities will probably have to enclose
a number of "engineering" topics (linguistic / information /
communication engineering) to enable graduates to survive in a job in the
informastion society. Mathematics and computational issues might become
core modules of a humanities' subject.