Educational programmes and resources
Answering institutions:
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Forschungsinstitut für Historische Grundwissenschaften:
- Programmes: Mini Curriculum in Historical Information Science,
part of the regular studies of History.
- Courses: Actual semester, Historical Information Science only:
Grundkurs "Angewandte Informatik in des Geisteswissenschaften"
II, (Proseminar, 4 hours/week) Alte "Neue Welt" II (Seminar,
2 hours/week)
- Teaching staff: Actual semester, Historical Information Science
only: Univ.-Doz. Dr. Ingo H. Kropac Mag. Susanne Kropac, M.A. Dr. Burkhard
P‰ttler Dr. Peter Teibenbacher
- Computational resources: Software: MS-Word, PageMaker, TeX,
MS-Excel, Pro-Cite, OnNet, KLEIO MS-Access, WordCruncher, NetScape, Text-
and HTML-Editors,SPSS 7 etc.
- Research projects:
- ODL:
Lancaster University
Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language:
- Programmes: Linguistics (BA) English Language (BA) Computing
and Linguistics (BSc) Language Studies (MA)
- Courses: Research Issues in Applied Linguistics (
Topics in Computing and Linguistics
- Teaching staff: Dr. A. M. McEnery
- Computational resources: British National Corpus IBM/Lancaster
Treebank LOB Corpus SEC Corpus Marsec Corpus CRATER Trilingual aligned
corpus Sentence alignment software Terminology extraction software
- Research projects: Innovation in higher education funded project
"Re-assesing the lecture" Innovation in higher education funded
project "Self-access grammar tools"
- ODL: Foundations of Linguistic Description Corpus Linguistics
Language Acquisition Research Issues in Applied Linguistics
Linköping University
The Tema Institute, Department of Art History:
- Programmes: The Study Programme for the Liberal Arts (160 points)
Our Cultural Heritage (60 points) History of Art 1 - 4 (1 - 80 points)
- Courses: See above
- Teaching staff: Bengt Lärkner Angelika Sjölander-Hovorka
Dietmar Mölk Anders Samuelsson Valentina Siveges Gary Svensson
- Computational resources: - - -
- Research projects: - - -
- ODL: The European Cultural Heritage (5 points) in cooperation
with Uppsala University, Umeå University and Växjö University
Queen Mary & Westfield College
Centre for Historical Computing/Department of History:
- Programmes: BA in History: first degree programmes
- Courses: Historical Computing I Historical Computing II Advanced
Historical Computing
- Teaching staff: Peter Denley Virginia Davis
- Computational resources: Access, Excel, KLEIO, OCP, Idealist
- Research projects: Preparation of English version of KLEIO
- ODL:
The Robert Gordon University
CRiAD- Centre for Research in Art and Design Gray's School of Art:
- Programmes: Factual information (give pointer to specific web
page if appropriate) The Centre for Research at Gray¹s School of Art
has been registering students for higher degrees since 1988. The School
has promoted a Śpractice-based¹ approach to research - that is, research
initiated in practice and carried out through practice, from the informed
perspective of the Śpractitioner-researcher¹. Currently research themes
include the following: € Critical Contexts for Professional Practice in
the Visual Arts € New Technologies / Multimedia / Hypermedia € Environmental
/ Sustainable Practices € Interpretative Research Methodologies All four
areas involve the development of approaches to computing, directly or indirectly.
To date three Ph.D.s and one M.Phil. have successfully been completed in
the School, with currently six registrations for M.Phil./Ph.D. ongoing.
The School has eight experienced supervisors, most of whom have supervised
to Ph.D. level. The School received a rating of Ś3a¹ in the 1996 Research
Assessment Exercise, and continues to develop an increasingly international
research profile. The Research Centre currently employs a Reader, Senior
Research Fellows, Research Fellows, Research Assistants and a number of
Research Students. CRiAD is based at Gray's School of Art, which is part
of the Faculty of Design, one of five faculties comprising the Robert Gordon
University. The School is concerned with the education and training of
practitioners of Art and Design to include fine art, design for industry
and design and craft. Relevant educational programmes: There are two educational
programmes at undergraduate level: the award of Batchelor of Science with
Honours and the award of Bachelor of Arts with Honours, both of which are
four year courses. There is a postgraduate Masters course, which is one
year. The university operates a three semester per year system
- Courses: Relevant courses (titles): Batchelor of Arts in Art
and Design Batchelor of Science in Design for Industry Postgraduate Diploma/
Master of Arts in Art and Design (in development) Master of Science in
Design for Industry
- Teaching staff: CRiAD Reader Dr Carole Gray Senior Research
Fellows: Dr Julian Malins Dr Anne Douglas Mr Don Addison Gray's School
of Art Head of School: Barbara Milligan Course Leader for the Fine Art
Programme: Lennox Dunbar Course Leader for Design and Craft: Lenny Smith
Course Leader for Design for Industry: Iain Pirie
- Computational resources: The resources in the school are largely
Macintosh based with access to email and the Internet. Within research
current packages are used for desktop publishing, multimedia, word processing,
graphic design, image capture and manipulation, databases, spread sheets,
CAD/CAM, and 3D modelling and visualisation.
- Research projects: € Critical Contexts for Professional Practice
in the Visual Arts. This area involves the critical visualisation and mapping
of current practice both within Fine Art as well as Design. Improvisation,
random processes and the methodology of game have been developed as interpretative
frameworks for understanding practice as a process. The computer is used
as a tool for the visualisation of these frameworks. Resulting publications
include Douglas, A (1997) On the Notion of Test CD publication in Sculpture,
Method, Research, Matrix 3d Conference Proceedings (1995) Central St Martins
School of Art, the RADical 1994 Conference (on CD Rom),CRiAD. The Centre
is extending this area of investigation with the development of research
into collaborative strategies for Fine Art practice. € New Technologies
/ Multimedia / Hypermedia Current projects include the development of multimedia
for practitioners of Art and Design, to include procedures both for the
realisation of new work as well as for reflective critical assessment of
existing work. Aspects of this research make use of computer technology
throughout the creation of a design object. This work will be extended
by a new project which focuses specifically on the development of dynamic
interfaces of web publication in tandem with the Master in Research Methods
Course in Art and Design. € Environmental / Sustainable Practices Research
issues within this section are identified by practitioners from within
practice and its location within the workplace. So far this has embraced
the subject areas of printmaking and ceramics. Pengelly, J (1997) Environmentally
Sensitive Printmaking- a Framework for Safe Practice The Robert Gordon
University unpublished Ph.D. Malins, J (1993) The Monitoring and Control
of Specialist Kiln Atmospheres and Emissions The Robert Gordon University
unpublished Ph.D. Malins. J. and Bunnell, K. (1996) Ceramics, Research
and Industry: a Synergistic Approach, NCECA Conference Proceedings € Interpretative
Research Methodologies Fine Art and Design practice is a relatively new
area within formal research. As a consequence each practitioner/researcher
becomes a contributor to the question of methodology appropriate to the
disciplines. While methodologies straddle both quantitative and qualitative
approaches, there is an increasing bias towards interpretative methods
and the use of the computer as an interpretative tool. Current publications
include Gray, C (1995) 'Artistic' Research Procedure: Research at the Edge
of Chaos?, in 'Design Interfaces' conference proceedings, Vol. 3, European
Academy of Design, University of Salford Gray, C and J. Malins (1995) Developing
Appropriate Research Methodologies for Artists, Designers and Craftspersons:
Research as a Learning Process, , full paper presented at 'Making It' conference,
Crafts Council, Woolley Hall, Wakefield, resume of paper in conference
proceedings) Gray, C ; Julian Malins and Anne Douglas (1995) Developing
a Research Procedures Programme for Artists & Designers, Centre for
Research in Art & Design, Robert Gordon University.
- ODL: The Master in Research methods course (distance learning)
is due to commence in January 1998 subject to validation. This course is
designed for those artists and designers at present undertaking research
for higher degrees such as M.Phil. and Ph.D., as well as those in professional
practice who wish to introduce research methods into their own practice.
Practice is understood in this context to embrace both the making of art
and design work as well as its publication and dissemination. The course
is therefore open to curators, critics, facilitators as well as makers.
It is distance learning and project based, to include networked debate.
It is full time and project led, so that experience of research methods
is built into ongoing practice throughout the duration of the course.
Tilburg University
Faculty of Arts:
- Programmes: Taal & Kunstmatige Intelligentie:
Cultuur & Letteren:
Tekst & Communicatie:
- Courses: see above
- Teaching staff:
- Computational resources: Netscape, texteditor, HTMLeditor, Email,
- Research projects:
- ODL:
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Departamento de Linguistica, Lenguas Modernas, Logica y Filosofia
de la Ciencia:
- Programmes: Licenciatura de Segundo Ciclo (Master degree) en
- Courses: Linguistica Aplicada (Master course) Linguistica Computacional
(Master Course) PhD seminary: Humanities Computing
- Teaching staff: Francisco A. Marcos-Marin, Professor (PhD Madrid,
Complutense) Antonio Moreno Sandoval, Assistant Professor (PhD Madrid,
Autonoma) Fernando Sanchez-Leon, Research Assistant
- Computational resources: hardware: UNIX computers, DOS personal
computers. software: ADMYTE, UNITE, TACT, Taggers, Morphological analizer
data: machine dictionaries, medieval Spanish corpus (from ADMYTE), modern
corpora for Spain, Argentina and Chile.
- Research projects: ADMYTE: Archivo Digital de Manuscritos y
Textos Espannoles UNITE: computerised critical editing
- ODL: None
Universidad de Deusto
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras:
- Programmes: The Faculty has the intention to include computing
scholarship into their Humanities curricula. Efforts have been undertaken
to include some relevant courses in the overall programme for the Faculty
- Courses: Computing in the Humanities (1 semester) Applied Linguistics/Corpus
Linguistics (1 semester) Computational Linguistics (2 semesters) Methods
of Linguistic Analysis (2 semesters)
- Teaching staff: Joseba Abaitua
- Computational resources: Used during practicals: LPA Prolog
GFU-Lab (Unification Grammars Developing Environment) BibText software
(BibDB), ProCite Hypertext: HTML is written in plain ASCII, since HoTMetaL
requires high
- Research projects:
- ODL:
Universidad de Valladolid
Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura -
Facultad de Educación:
- Programmes: Dada las características de la Facultad de
Educación, los planes de estudio que en ella se desarrollan tienen
por fin formar a los profesionales de la enseñanza obligatoria (educación
infantil y primaria), en sus distintas especialidades. Todos los programas,
pues, son educativos.
- Courses: En nuestro Departamento desarrollamos Cursos de Tercer
Ciclo (doctorado) en Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Además
participamos en cursos de formación permanente del profesorado que
se ofrecen tanto en la Facultad como en otras instituciones. Se desarrolla
también un curso a distancia para formar a profesorado de lenguas
extranjeras (inglés, fra
- Teaching staff:
- Computational resources:
- Research projects:
- ODL:
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Dipartimento di Filosofia:
- Programmes: Text encoding Manuscripts digitization and edition
Introduction to algorithms and computation Introduction to relational data
- Courses: Informatica documentale Tecniche per le basi di dati
bibliografiche e documentali Teoria e tecnica della documentazione Gestione
automatica degli archivi e delle biblioteche (All courses are held at the
Facolta` di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, indirizzo Archivistico-librario,
in Ravenna)
- Teaching staff: prof. Giorgio Sandri prof. Dino Buzzetti dr.
Gabriele Bersani Berselli dr. Andrea Tabarroni
- Computational resources: DBMS kleio SGML editors and browswers
Data from the Archivio Documentario Digitale (ADD) per la Storia dell'Universita`
di Bol
- Research projects:
- ODL:
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Interfaculty Centre for Theoretical and Applied Linguistics "L.
Heilmann" (C.I.L.T.A.):
- Programmes: Applied Linguistics Corpus linguistics: theory and
practice Microcomputer based approach to foreign language learning
- Courses: Foreign Language Courses English Legal Language ESP
self-access courses with multimedia material on computer workstations
- Teaching staff: R. Rossini Favretti (full professor in applied
linguistics, head of the centre) The teaching staff is constituted of about
thirty members
- Computational resources: Computational resources used in courses:
Interactive tasks for self-access study on computer Self-access facility
Corpus of English and Italian legal language "BOLC", standing
for BOnonia Legal Corpus - 10 m. words) - in p
- Research projects:
- ODL:
Universität Bonn
Institut fuer Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik :
- Programmes: Communication research and phonetics, field of specialization:
Computational Linguistics
- Courses: Fundamentals of Computational Linguistics (2 lectures
and practical training) Computational Language Analysis (lecture and practical
training) Data Structures, Data Processing, and Algorithms Machine Translation
(lecture and practical training) Computational Lexicography (lecture and
practical training) Practical Training in Areas of Computational Linguistics
and Linguistic Data Processing various programming courses
- Teaching staff: Prof. Dr. Winfried Lenders Dr. Gerd Willee Dr.
Carl-Heinz Heidrich Bernhard Schroeder M.A.
- Computational resources: Kant corpus LIMAS corpus Bonn word-database
corpus of medieval High German texts various other corpora
- Research projects: Kant as Hypertext (hypertextual edition of
Kant's works) Hartmann 2000 (in cooperation with Univ. of Trier and Univ.
of South Florida) (multimedial edition of Hartmann's writings)
- ODL: Our institute takes part in the University of Hull's Gamma
Trial Phase of the Distance Lerning Project MERLIN, i.e. it supplies a
small group of trialists and a contact person for the communication between
the trialists and the MERLIN team.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA)
--- Facultat de Traducció i Interpretació (FTI):
- Programmes: (a) Traducció i Interpretació (Llicenciatura)
(FTI) Translation and Interpreting (b) Lingüística Aplicada
(lèxic) (PhD program) (IULA) Applied Linguistics (lexic) (c) Lexicografia
(postgraduate program) (IULA) Lexicography (d) Gestió de textos
per a professionals: traducció, anàlisi i tractament informàtic
(postgraduate program) (FTI) Texts treatment for professionals: translation,
analysis and computerised treatment
- Courses: Computational Linguistics (a) Language Industries (a)
Machine Translation Systems (a) Co
- Teaching staff:
- Computational resources:
- Research projects:
- ODL:
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Faculté des Langues, Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Département
d'Anglais :
- Programmes: No specific courses in computing for the Humanities,
but use of computing for translation (especially DESS Traduction et Documentation)
and text archive study for linguistics and also British studies
- Courses: DESS Traduction Documentation Various other courses.
Introduction to Internet resources for area studies
- Teaching staff: Pierre Busuttil Michael Parsons
- Computational resources: LANs of PCs with translation and office
software, access to mainframes, multimedia language labs planned, Question
Mark MCQ software ordered, various CD-ROMs available on-line at Library,
- Research projects: Planned research into multimedia teaching
of pronunciation, ongoing research into computer text archives and terminology
- ODL: Gradually being initiated: we have begun making texts available
to students over Internet but hope to go much further with e.g. Question
University of Antwerpen
Department of Germanic Languages:
- Programmes: Degree in Germanic Languages, specializations in
literature, linguistics or a mix of both. Sub-specialization in computer
linguistics. Postgraduate degrees in Literature, Linguistics, Theater.
- Courses:
- Teaching staff: Geert Lernout (Head of Department) Steven Gillis
Walter Daelemans
- Computational resources: HTML-based editing of literary texts.
- Research projects:
- ODL:
University of Heidelberg
Institute for Computational Linguistics :
- Programmes: We are charged with an M.A. course in Computational
- Courses: The M.A. course in CL is equal to and compatible with
other M.A. subject fields. Usually a subject field comprises 40 to 60 semester
hours to be followed during 9 semester. The detailed plan (in German) is
attached to this mail as an RTF file.
- Teaching staff: Various professors from the linguistic department,
the department for mathematics (and computer schience), teachings assistents
and guest lecturers from outside the university. Responsible: Prof. Peter
Hellwig, chair for computational linguistics.
- Computational resources: We have hard- and software students
and scholars need for maschine processing of natural language (25 work
places, local network, several Unix workstations, speech lab etc.)
- Research projects: Computer Aided Learning of Lexical Functions
(CALLex), a joint project with the Academy of Science in Moskow, the University
of Klagenfurt, and ourselves, funded by INTAS.
- ODL:
University of Paris 7. TALANA (Traitement Automatique
du LAngage NAturel)
Linguistics Department:
- Programmes: Computational Linguistics Formal Linguistics Phonetics
and Phonology
- Courses: see
Introduction to NLP Grammatical formalisms and analysis Text Generation
Machine Translation Algorithmics Pascal & C Lisp Prolog Fromal and
descriptive Linguistics
- Teaching staff: for computational linguistics Prof Laurence
Danlos ( Dr Anne Abeille (
Dr Pascal Amsili ( Dr Marcel Cori
- Computational resources:
- Research projects:
- ODL:
University of Reading
Linguistic Science:
- Programmes: BA Linguistics (Single Subject and in combination
with English, French, German, Latin, Italian, Philosophy, Psychology) BA
Linguistics & Language Pathology MA Linguistics MA Applied Linguistics
(various strands) PhD programmes in all above areas
- Courses: Courses most relevant to computing interests: Experimental
Phonetics Practical Phonetics Computer-based Corpus Studies Discourse Analysis
Typology and Universals Natural Language Programming in Logo Language Testing
(a range of courses)
- Teaching staff: Ron Brasington (contact) Peter Roach Linda Shockey
Erik Fudge Simon Arnfield Arthur Hughes Kristyan Spelman Miller %0
- Computational resources:
- Research projects:
- ODL:
University of Vienna
Department of Philosophy :
- Programmes:
- Courses: Internet Kolloquium, Philosophie in den neuen Medien,
wirklich - moeglich - - virtuell (Lecture course)
- Teaching staff: Christian Gottschall, Richard Heinrich, Herbert
Hrachovec, Wolfgang Pircher, Horst Tellioglu
- Computational resources: Computer Lab, administered by Herbert
- Research projects:
- ODL: "Ausfuehrbare
Formalismen" (Executable Formalisms) Logic Programs:
A number of activities in the general area of "Philosophy and Computing"
is supported at our department. See ""
for details. There is also a small expose outlining the general framework
and associated research programs. Up to now it is only available in German.
If this is acceptable I will send it via e-mail. Kind regards, Herbert
University of Vigo (Universidade de Vigo)
Faculty of Arts (Facultade de Humanidades) -- English Department:
- Programmes:
- Courses: - Computerised analysis of English texts (J. Perez-Guerra)
- Computational Linguistics ( J. Gomez-Guinovart) - PhD courses on 'Computing
tools in linguistic research' (J.M. García-Miguel)
- Teaching staff: Javier Perez-Guerra ( Javier
Gomez-Guinovart ( Jose Maria Garcia-Miguel (
Alberto Alvarez-Lugris (
- Computational resources: - Corpus Linguistics tools (TACT, WordCruncher,
OCP, SARA) - PROLOG tools for text analysis - Computer-assisted translation
- Research projects: - Corpus of written Spanish: tagging and
- ODL:
University of Zurich
Dept. of Computer Sciences:
- Programmes: Minor in Computational Linguistics in the Faculty
of Arts
- Courses: Intro to CL I + II Programming for CL I + II Lexicon
construction and morphological analysis Formal grammars and syntactic analysis
Semantic analysis Methods of Artificial Intelligence in CL Discourse analysis
- Teaching staff: Michael Hess Martin Volk
- Computational resources: Alvey Natural Language Tools Link Grammar
GATES GTU (Grammatik-Test-Umgebung) Pleuk Gertwol Brill Tagger Celex WordNet
Grammatik-Kompendium (for German) Ca. 8 commerical Machine Translation
- Research projects: none
- ODL: none
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster
Anglistik, Arbeitsbereich Linguistik:
- Programmes: English Language and Literature Linguistics
- Courses: Corpus linguistics Computational linguistics Computational
lexicography and lexicology Grammar learning
- Teaching staff: Prof. Wolf Paprotte Frank Schumacher Petra Steiner
Lothar Lemnitzer Jürgen Kinscher
- Computational resources: range of corpora for the major European
languages tagged corpus of German (500 000 words, manually corrected) range
of bilingual lexicons (DE - EN; DE - FR; DE - ES, DE - IT; DE - GR) large
lexicon for German xlex (texthandling toolbox incl. indexer, segmenter,
aligner, tagger,statistical tools, etc) morphological generator / parser
for German (Prolog) Italian verb morphology: parser / generator (C)
- Research projects: TRAIN EDUC, developing course materials on
how to use the net for education and research
- ODL: Setting up a virtual library in the net for research and
teaching in our department (cf. our homepage) Introduction to Semantics
and Pragmatics: Course administration, course results and useful background
material on the net (cf. our homepage)