As to the relation with the Commission, in contrast to the first two years, the project coordinator has not been invited to meetings in Brussels during the third year. This sign of lack of communication between the representatives of the Commission and the project coordinator, as well as between the coordinators of the various projects mutually, was felt to have a negative effect on the continuity of the planning at a strategic level.
As far as the project's time line is concerned, the excessive effort spent on reporting, as mentioned in last year's report, caused a delay in the work of the project administration. It is also felt as problematic that the evaluation of proposals for the fourth year extension aimed at dissemination was delayed at the Commission. This is having a negative influence on continuity.
With respect to the relation between the budget and the goals, it has proved difficult to obtain the range of participation intended with the low level of funding. Also, with the current level of funding, it is difficult for a coordinating institution to support the desired level of project management and infrastructure. Unfortunately, many participating institutions do not know how to handle their administrative responsibilities in the project.
The survey on computational linguistics and other analyses which were conducted yielded interesting and partly new, but on the whole not unexpected results. These results are reported in the book publication which is this year's major outcome.
Therefore it would be desirable to see followup projects in this area which extend the actions of the current project both in depth and in breadth; by the latter we refer especially to (1) other areas within the humanities and (2) other partners in society.
It is felt that the current project is acting as an important catalyst in a theme with wide societal implications. Therefore, it is recognized that the wider aims of the project would only be fully achieved if other partners in society could fully participate in the project. If such other partners (e.g. museums, libraries, archives, etc.) were eligible for funding, this would be an important stimulus for achieving their intended participation.
As to organizational strategies it would be recommended in future projects to focus more on flexible bottom-up strategies with actions defined by the partners, supported by a more substantial project management infrastructure. At the same time there must be real incentives for the participation of the majority of institutions who are not at the forefront of developments and have no reliable mechanisms for mobilization.