The University of Bergen has extensive experience in coordinating and participating in EU-funded education and research projects. It has participated in 97 ICP-networks in ERASMUS during 1992-1996, coordinating 12 out of 17 of such networks coordinated by Norway. In 1994-1996, the University of Bergen has participated in the SIGMA projects piloting SOCRATES projects in archaeology, women's studies, language, teacher training, media studies and ODL, the HUMANITIES project, and the SOCRATES ODL project OPEN TO EUROPE coordinated by the University of Salford in the UK. The University of Bergen has coordinated the SOCRATES ODL project TRANSCULT, while also participating in the LINGUA programme through SCREEN (DE) in languages and ODL. Presently, Bergen is coordinating the EUROLITERATURE project. The number of EU research contracts in FP3 and FP4 is totalling 92 for contract periods between 1993 and 1999. The University of Bergen is the only university which is simulaneously a member of the UTRECHT network the BERGEN network, the COIMBRA GROUP, GRUPO COMPOSTELA and the SANTANDER group. In the context of these memberships, as well as the current network, the University of Bergen is doing extensive work to bridge to the universities in the southern countries of Europe.
Not only the coordinating institution, but many participating institutions in the present network have strong participation in other projects. All participating universities have previously participated in the ERASMUS programme, most of them extensively, and most also have experience in coordinating ICPs. It has not been possible to systematize all participation in other EU programmes by the present TNP partners, but as examples among relevant EU-sponsored projects where some partners are involved, we name the following which are relevant to the areas related to the current project: POINTER, TRANSLATOR'S WORKBENCH, MULTILEX, AQUILEX-I & II, IDEAL, EUROTRA, VALUE, ET-7, TEI, DCI, SURVEY OF LINGUISTIC RESOURCES OF NLP, EUREKA, GENELEX, EUROLONG, LRE DELIS, ONOMASTICA, RENOIS, EAGLES, COLSIT, LS-GRAM, MLAP, PAROLE, SCARRIE and MEMORIA.
Given the extensive body of expertise gathered in the network, the project is stimulating the partners to identify which aspects of advanced scholarship can be transferred to educational programs though the current network, and will, as a sideeffect, also stimulate further cooperation among the partners.