The realization that the humanities is in need of a common approach to new technologies which is critically different from that in other areas of study, is the starting point for our pedagogical and didactic approach. This fits in a wider perspective based on the recognition that new technologies are having a different impact on different scientific disciplines. The resulting desirability of diversification by discipline-specific methodology implies, in the case of the humanities, that the standard commercial tools for word processing and image handling are totally insufficient for learning and teaching at university level. In dealing with language and culture, humanities scholars need very refined computing tools which are able to handle sound and meaning, words and images, logic and art.
This approach will be pursued horizontally (with respect to various methodologies and roles of advanced computing) as well as vertically (with respect to the various humanities disciplines).
Vertically, with respect to disciplines, the following four pilot areas within the Humanities, which have been selected as initial focal points, will continue to be active throught the remainder of the project:
Starting in September 1997, we hope to extend the network to with a fifth area:
We will also engage in discussions with the TNPs in archaeology, arts and music, with whom a mutual interest in joint activities has been expressed.
On the horizontal line, the approach is based on the following distinctions:
ACO*HUM will, from September 1997, devote more explicit attention to formal and computational aspects of methodology in broad areas of the humanities by adding a special methodological track. This track, which will have its own committee, will strongly complement the work in the pilot areas.
In addition to activities planned in the various subprojects (see B.1), the following activities of common interest will be carried out:
September 1997: The results of the WWW-based survey will be made available to the network partners (responsibility of Humanistisk Datasenter at the University of Bergen).
September 1997: Drafting of final reports over the first year (responsibility of the Area Coordinators together with the network coordinator).
September 5-6, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at CHArt (Computers and History of Art) 13th Annual Conference, University of Northumbria at Newcastle (responsibility of the Area Committee on History of art and aesthetic disciplines).
September 14-17, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at the DRH conference (Digital Resources for the Humanities), St. Anne's College, Oxford.
October 1997: Policy symposium in Norway. This is a joint activity of the Steering Committee and all Area Committees. May conference will be prepared, call for participation will be sent out.
October 1997: September 5-6, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at CHArt (Computers and History of Art) 13th Annual Conference, University of Northumbria at Newcastle (responsibility of the Area Committee on History of art and aesthetic disciplines).
October 15-16: Participation at TNP European Forum, Dublin (THENUCE).
November 1997: First tentative common ground document, an intention agreement between all Core Group partners (and possibly other partners) will be signed. This document will form the basis of a final agreement to be reached by the end of the funding period of the network.
November 20-22, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at the EAIE conference in Barcelona (Network Administrator will be present).
January-March 1998: Preparation of joint activities with other TNPs (responsibility of Network Coordinator).
March, 1998: Steering Committee meeting; decision on final programme for the May conference and joint activities with other TNPs.
April 1998: Conference preparation, final programme sent out by project office (responsibility of Network Administrator).
May 1998: A conference on The Future of Humanities Education is planned in Norway. Representatives from all participants as well as from other TNPs are invited to contribute. Practical organization will be in the hands of the project office. Programme will be determined by the policy symposium in the fall of 1997.
June-August 1998: Impact study by SCIENTER and assessment study by consultants.
The TNP web site, which is initially being used to send out information from the coordinator to the partners, will serve increasingly for feedback and multilateral communication between partners. The result of the first survey, which is currently being undertaken, will be made available via the WWW. The final reports over the first year activities will be published on the WWW by September 30, 1997, and will be available on paper as well. Subsequent reports and minutes of meetings by the Area Committees will also be made available on the WWW. Translations to English, French, German and Spanish are foreseen.
The presence of the TNP at international conferences and other meetings is strongly pursued. The TNP will be present at the CHArt, EAIE and other meetings during 1997-1998. The aims of this presence is awareness spreading, dissemination of results and contacting new potential partners. A poster and other promotional material is also being produced for these purposes.
SCIENTER Bologna will carry impact assessment studies.
It is anticipated that a number of further research needs in relation to ACO*HUM will be identified by its participants. EEDS will be used as consultants with experience of EU R&D, education and training programmes, to undertake the following monitoring study:
Although the History of Art area has gathered excellent expertise in its area committee, wider participation has not yet been achieved. The envisaged solution consists of the identification of additional potential participants, including not only university departments, but also museums, art galleries, art publishers and hardware and software industries.