Planned activities
Planned activities, 1997-1998
Inventory of existing software being used in non-European linguistics for
the initial target languages (Analysis by questionaire by CRIM-INALCO).
Evaluate, select and suggest those programmes that could be profitably
used for the purposes of the expanded subnet to be established.
Indicate course program minimum requirements.
Identify minimum standard requirements for corpora composition (minimum
size, composition of corpora, general identification text and marking system).
Indicate parameters and indicator of minimal acquired competence.
Participation at the Bergen conference. A workshop
is organized by Arvi Hurskainen. Jaques Souillot presents a paper.
Planned activities, 1998-1999
Finalize the content of modules and units in reference to credit and certification.
Planning of intensive programmes for training teachers in the use and evaluation
of didactic materials.
Extension to other languages which were not initially covered.
October 1998: area committee meeting.
June 1999: Creation of a E.M. in M.E. (European Masters in Multilingual
Writing of a chapter on NEL in a handbook
of humanities computing.
The following meetings are scheduled:
October 7-13, 1997 - Meeting of the CAMEEL group in Vico Equense (Napoli).
During the meeting a session is dedicated to the participation in ACO*HUM.
November 1-2, 1997 - Participation at the general ACO*HUM symposium in
January 30-31, 1998 - Working session in Paris, together with the CAMEEL
group, for the implementation of the master's degree.
February 1998 - Conjunct meeting of Dept. of African Studies and Dept.
of Asian studies for enlarging the master programme to Arabic, Chinese
and Persian.
May 23-31, 1998 - Working session in Napoli. Preparations for the September
conference and the start of the Masters'.
September 25-28, 1998 - Participation at the ACO*HUM Conference in Bergen
through the workshop.
April 1999 - NEL meeting in Paris to prepare the book chapter.